4 - Daddy Didn't Want Your Love

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My thoughts and emotions have been some sort of rollercoaster lately. Everything feels like it's falling apart. Nothing is going to plan....and I hate it. I hate it so much! I've been planning this for months, how I would go about things, how I would not get involved with other people. Everything–nothing, is going the way I planned!

And it scares me.

It scares me because I'm no longer in a position where I have all of the control. Where I have instigated everything meticulously, I can no longer control the outcome.
It's all his fault! None of this would have happened if it weren't for him. I should have never run into him in the first place. That drama attached asshole.

Kaius Wayne,
I hate you so fucking much. I hope to never see you again—

"Emilio! Hey, Emilio! Wait up!"

Ah, there he is.
That mother fucker.

"Emilio! Hey, didn't you hear me–" He tries to grab my arm but I shrug him off.

"Fuck off!" "Emil—" "I told you to leave me alone!" I go to push him back a few steps.

People in the grocery store turn to stare at us, but I don't care. I just want to get away from him.

"Is something wrong? Do you want to go and talk—" "Hey, can't you just stay away from me?" It comes out softer than how I felt. To others, my demeanor may come across as begging. Even more so with the added tears.

But sad and desperate wasn't what I was feeling.

I was angry. So angry.

"You really annoy me."

It was at that moment, after those words left my mouth, that I saw a flash of something in his eyes.
And then,

It was gone.

Replaced by a cold stare.

Some negative emotion crossed his face. I couldn't tell what it was, and I didn't want to.

"Why is it that one step forward is two steps back with you," he asks suddenly.
I was taken aback. "What?"

He steps closer. "You push everyone away who tries to get close to you, or even help you. Tell me, how do you think that's going to end–" "Who says that I wanted your help?!"
I push him again. Literally, WHO? The nerve of this guy.

"You're like a pest to me! Every time I try to get rid of you just keep coming back, you insufferable asshole!"

I push him again. He grits his teeth. I could tell that I was trying my luck here.
"Hey," he says darkly. "You can say all the mean, uncalled-for bullshit that you pull out of your ass, all you want," He turns to look at me. "But put your hands on me again, and I just might have to retaliate."

The warning there was clear. His face gave away how tense he was, and he was clenching his fists.
It was something you wouldn't expect from someone like him. He, who was full of smart remarks and snarky comebacks. He, who was all flirts and tempting smiles.

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