2 - Did I Say That Bothers Me?

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"....us.." "..iaus..."


"Mphm!" My sister woke me up by hitting me on the head with a pillow.
"Get up! You have community service!"
Serenity. My older sister of 4 years. There was another version of her. A carbon copy to be exact. But we don't talk much about the dead.

I'm not complaining. I never knew much about her. Everyone claims she loved me very much. But how would I know?
"Ugh!! I want to continue dreaming about a hot boy," I whine turning over to the other side.
"Is that hot boy going to give you a ride to school?"

A beat.

"I'm not sure he even has a car." She hits me again. "Get your ass in the shower and downstairs, now!" She leaves the pillow on my legs and leaves. "If I come back and you're not up–" "Yes, sergeant. Alright sergeant," I tease while getting up and stretching.

I smile from the look on her face. She wanted to throw something at me.
Now alone with my thoughts, they fall back to one particular being.
Emilio James.

He won't be easy to get along with, but I have to be brave. I don't want 3 years of a crush to be extinguished to nothing.

All those years of silent observation. He always kept to himself. Never involving himself with the people around him.
He always seemed like he was busy with something. Always working towards something of his.
Perhaps that's what drew me in.
The stark contrast of his world, and valuables with mine.

Then there's that body, that hair....so long and frizzy like a mane. He would wear it up more often than not, but on the slim chance, he wore it down....

Everything about him just entices me in a way, that it's accurately described as a drug.
Just being close to him gets me excited. I just want to lay down with him, be all up in his space, heh.

I would be so damn happy to call him mine.

But I can't. Not until he lets me.


"Now I get off around 4, so I'll be home around 4:45. You should be finished with community service at 12 right?"

"Yes," I sigh. The same old spill. Every. Other. Weekend.

"Please make it to graduation, Kaius. I want you to have that experience." Her eyes were pleading. I have to look away. "Mhm hmm. I'll do my best this year." "That's all I ask." She gives me this hug that I just let happen.

I'm not big on family affection.

"Car. Now. Or I leave your ass."

"Yeah, yeah."


I was surprised to see him here. He hadn't noticed me yet and was sitting down staring out into nothing. His wavy coils in a tousled mess on his head. But still, to me, he looked like sex on legs. Even in that worn-out red sweatshirt and jeans.

I won't bother him for now. "Alright, everyone. We will get started in a few minutes. You'll be working in pairs to help this day go by easier for you...."


I was freezing my ass off. This sweatshirt isn't as thick as I'd like. Maybe I should've worn my thermal underneath instead of this T-shirt.
"Durden, you're with Lacey. Stevenson, you're with Fitzpatrick. Marlur, you're with Saints.
James, you're with Wayne. Bishops, you're with—"

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