11 - Baby Trapped

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"She's going to file for Child Support against me! I need a real job, quick!" "And how exactly is that my problem?" "You have to help me, please Emilio!" I may not know the inner workings of the parental support system, but wouldn't he need a job in the first place? If not, he is truly fucked. "Pfft, she's going to take you for everything you own." I look him up and down. "And that doesn't seem like very much." "Emilio~" he whines.

"Unfortunately for you, I actually like my employers. So I'm not going to bring them a teenage junkie. Maybe try the gas station." Takes a junkie to handle other junkies anyway.

"Yeah....you don't need a lot of experience to handle a cash register right?" "Do you have any experience? In anything at all?"

"Well, I mean...I can, I know good rations and-and uh I can price things—" "Ok, enough with your junkie activities. Just go down there and ask if you can work or not." "Just like that? Don't I need a resume?" "It's a gas station, not a tech company. Just give them your saddest puppy eyes and your baby-mama drama."

"...Are you fucking with me?"

"Partially. Just make sure you shower and wash your fucking face for once." "I already do that."

Really? "Liam every time I see you, you look like a crash dummy."

"Like you can't wait for your next fix."
"Like you're about to fucking fall over and start wiggling like a zomb–" "Alright! I get it!"

"Great just making sure that you do."

I grab the rest of my things and head out. "I hope that, if anyone deserves to make it out of this town, it's you."

I pause at that. "Why are you saying that to me, Liam?"

"I don't know I...." I turn around to look at him. He was pressing the palm of his hand into his eyes. Face all flushed and red. "We definitely made your life worse– I mean with your mom and all." He looks away then glances up at me.
Expression was just shy of guilt.

"I don't need your pity." "Emilio–"

"I hope you get the job."

I walk out.


"So it doesn't matter your size. You just have to use the element of surprise to your advantage, then dig your heels in like this," Kaius demonstrated while I observed. "Hmm. Maybe I should double on the weight training a little more before all of that," I say. "Okay, yeah! We can do that. Just uh...I'll be your spotter from now on."

I just shrug.

"Hey, do you know if Serenity knows how to French-braid?" He scoffs. "I don't know, maybe." He glances over at me and then takes a swig from his water bottle.

"She'd probably be ecstatic to practice on your hair though." I make a face at that. "What's that supposed to mean?" He just shrugs.
"Speaking of her, let's head and pick up dinner before she threatens to lock us out of the house."

"Lock you out you mean?" "....?" "She actually  likes me." I grin mischievously. "Right...my sister has a soft spot for you," His eyes narrow. And just because I can't help myself,

"It seems that both of the Wayne siblings have a soft spot for me."

He makes a move to run after me around the gym and I cackle out laughs, as genuine as they haven't been for a long time.


K's Pov

Emilio's love is like poison. It invades your veins and runs rapid in your bloodstream until all you can do is accept your fate.

Most unmistakably, I don't want to do anything about it. It could be a deadly toxin that kills instantly, and I wouldn't even care.

Damage from that type of love hurts but the pain is my familiar. However, his affection is the salve to all of my wounds.
When it comes to Emilio James, all self-preservation leaves me and is replaced with masochist tendencies, all because I am selfish.

He makes me selfish.

"He's driving me crazy!" "Hmm?" "Liam." He was lying with his head in my lap and my hand messaging his scalp. I take a glance at his phone to see some of the texts between him and that ass-wipe—I mean his step-brother.

"What does he want?" I lean down to place a kiss on his forehead. "He needs a job since he's about to be placed on child support."

"Mhm." I place more kisses on his temple and down to his ear. "How is that your problem?" "I ask myself that every time," he says exasperated.

My hand that was going through his hair was now caressing his other ear. "Sounds like he needs to own up to his shit." "Mhm." He drops the phone completely and then turns so that his nose is buried in my navel.

"Yeah...keep talking....and keep doing that." He moves my hand back to his hair.

"Yeah? Falling asleep down there?" "Mhm. Hopefully, your dick won't start pressing into my cheek later on," he mumbles already nodding off.

I chuckle. "Hopefully."


Yeah, you do damage to me. But I love it. I love you.

There's nothing better than your poison.

My Emilio.



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