7 - Location Locked

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I woke up and showered. Washing my hair was soothing. It gave me the relaxation I needed to think. I'll just let it air-dry. I don't know if it's a good idea or not, considering my hair is thick and long and therefore takes extra time to dry than others. Then once it's dry, it becomes a thick, frizzy, curly mess.

Hmm, maybe I'll put it in plaits? No, I don't have the patience. Twists then? Again, don't have time for all of that.
I turn the water off and step out of the shower.
I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I wasn't muscular, I wasn't scrawny either. I was lean. I had some muscle mass, but figuratively, I'm just toned.
My build is kind of average.

I pull out my jumpsuit and a white tank top. I'm working at the garage today. I open the bathroom door to walk back into the main room, a towel just wrapped around my body.
"Jesus! What are you doing in here?" Kaius was sitting on the bed, dressed in workout clothes. He was leaning back against his hands, legs spread comfortably.
His eyes stared at my naked upper body.
Suddenly I feel self-conscious, even though normally I wouldn't care about such a thing.

I couldn't help but mutter; "What? Not to your liking?" His eyes immediately flick up to mine. Why would I ask such a thing? Ugh!
"Quite the contrary. It's too much to my liking." I suck my teeth and look away. Arms coming to cover my nipples.
"Why are you in my room?" "Your room?" He grins.
Right. I don't exactly live here, do I?

"Of course, it's your room!" He says while smiling. He gets up and starts to walk over to me. I couldn't help but back up. Once I did, I saw something darken in his eyes. Something lustful, before it's gone.

What exactly did I ignite? I keep backing up until I almost slip on the wet tile of the bathroom floor. Causing his hand to reach out and wrap around my waist to steady me. Inevitably pushing me up against him.
I just stare into his eyes, somehow lost in the moment. I clear my throat and look away after a while. Suddenly flustered.
"Ahem." "Now that I've seen your hair wet, it wouldn't be too hard to imagine you all sweaty." His eyes trail down my body, and coincidentally at the same time, a droplet rolls down.

"You're attracted to me, with wet hair?" I snort mockingly. "I'm attracted to you in general. Your many forms just add to the charm."
I just stare at him, in complete awe. Then I bring up my hand to shove him away. "Get out so I can change." He plops right back down on the bed. Smile wide on his face. "Aww, why? We're both boys....just think of it as a locker room."

I ignore it and take the other towel to dry my upper body and rub it through my hair. "Isn't it known that if you look in the locker room, then it's gay?"
A pause.

"Your point?" I stop at that. Then I mentally shrug and continue what I was doing. "I don't know why I even bother with you." "Because I have lots of good qualities." I hear him sigh.
"Mhm hmm." I should buy a razor. I put on deodorant, and then my tank top. The towel is still around my lower half. I turn to find him now laid out with his head resting on his hand, staring at me. Or rather, staring at my ass.

I throw the towel at him. "You are shameless." He smacks his lips. "So, is that you finally acknowledging that I have feelings for you?" I rummage around for a pair of boxers. "What feelings, besides lust?"
"I'm the lustful one? Even though I haven't made a move on you? You kissed me first?" I pause. That matter alone makes me anxious. "I know," I whisper. "And I'm sorry. It was without your consent."

I hear him hum. "Although....that is correct, I just wish it was under better circumstances." Moment ruined.

I yank the towel from around my waist now that my underwear is on. I toss it into the hamper by the closet. He whistles. "Well, aren't you packing..." I ignore him.

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