8 - Scaring, Me

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It's been a few days since I've been to the Wayne's. I would find myself typing texts to Kaius. But then I would erase them and not send them. He never called or texted me anyway.

He hasn't been to school either. Sometimes I'd think I seen him in the hall in passing. But I never got any confirmation.

I've been busying myself with catching up on schoolwork and my two jobs. Liam's dad has been coming home more frequently. Causing all kinds of stress and mishaps. It got to the point where I had to take the baby into my room to keep it safe. I couldn't sleep at all. From yelling and screaming, to a sleeping, fragile toddler in my care. I wasn't going to go check on possible beat-up and bruised Liam. Or a drunk and possibly angry asshole.

At some point, I fell asleep. I was woken up by something moving around. At first, I ignored it. But then banging on my door started. "Hey! Give me my grandson! Open the fucking door!" Alert, I jump up and cradle the baby in my arms. He was innocent and oblivious to what was going on.

He looked up at me, with those big, innocent, brown eyes. I felt something in my heart. This would be the first time I've held him. The first time I've seen him up close. Was he smiling?
"Don't you go getting attached to me."
I tease. He coos. I caress his cheek, suddenly feeling affectionate. An innocent born in this hell of a world, this shit family.

I feel a sense of melancholy. When I leave, I'll be leaving this poor child alone with a good-for-nothing father, and a neglectful grandfather.

But this shouldn't be my problem. Yeah, it's sad. But it's not my problem. This isn't my child. It's not my responsibility to take care of this helpless being!

But, I should help it, Why I'm at least here right? But that baggage, that responsibility for something else, being so reliant on me. I feel suffocated from just the thought. Weighed down.

Is this the burden of having children?

"Don't do it, Emilio! He's gonna hurt him!"

That snapped me out of my monologue. How long was I asleep? Did Caleb even eat? I glance around my room, pointedly ignoring the ruckus from beyond my door. No formula. I gathered the small child into my arms.

I feel a mix of emotions every time I hold him close. Every time I even look at him. What is it about this child that makes me go from wanting nothing to do with him, to wanting to protect him? Maybe it's the way he's looking up at me with eyes full of trust and wonder.

So it's decided.

I grab a bag and fill it with stuff I'll need. I call Kaius on my out the window. "I'll try my best."


It took a while, but not too long before I was brought into the station for 'kidnapping'. If anything I was saving that child from the load of shit they would even grow up into.

I can't—I just feel...– I don't know. I haven't even dealt with my own problems, why I am trying to take on another burden?
It won't be long before he's shackled back to those imbeciles. I made some bold claims against them, but I probably just look like a crazy person. Besides, Liam wouldn't have the balls to go up against his dad and his abuse.

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