10 - The (In)Connvience Store

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The texts started back. The ones from the unknown number. At first I thought they were Kaius playing a trick on me. But after that day in connivence store, I was convinced it wasn't him.

First they asked me how I was.
Then they started asking about my day.
All of them went mostly ignored by me, at first.

But they just kept coming!

It was obviously from a man, and from the looks of the texting style, he was obviously not around my age.

What is an older guy doing texting me? How'd he even get my number, most importantly?

I tried blocking the number, when the man started insinuating that we should meet. But he would always find away around it.

Should I take this to the police? But it's not like it's an outright intrusion on my life. He even stops when I ignore him. Sometimes it's even radio silence on his end.

Seriously, did I drunkenly give out my number one night at the bar?

"Who's that, your boyfriend?" Came a tease from Kaius. I sigh and put the phone away.

"I don't think I have the daddy issues, to be attracted to older men."

He paused in sorting his laundry. "But you do have daddy issues?" He smirked. More like mommy issues. "Not that I know of."


"That will be $5.47." I handed her a ten dollar bill. "Your change is $4.53." "Thanks." "Have a great day."

I took my things and headed for the store entrance. A man was walking in at the same time I was walking out. "Excuse me." I walked out as he held the door open. "Emilio?" I stop. "Who's asking?" "Sorry, I'm Whiliam! Just a moment." He walked to the counter. "Can I get 25 on pump 3?" I have definitely never met this man before. He looked to be well in his 30s and nothing about him rung a bell. Was he a regular at the bar?

"Sorry. It's me, Whiliam James." No.
"I've actually been the one who's been contacting you—" It shouldn't mean anything. "Sorry, but I need to go."

I pretended that I didn't hear him and kept walking.

"Wait a minute—Emilio–" He grabbed my shoulder to swing me back around. As soon as I faced him I socked him in the jaw. "Argh! Fuck! Emilio, just chill out a sec!"

"Stay away from me you asshole." "Asshole? Emilio James-" "Listen, I don't know who you are and I don't care who you are. Just stay the hell away from me, alright!"


"You keep doing that, you're going to burn yourself." I turn to look at my boss. "Ah, sorry. I was just distracted." I chuckled awkwardly.
He stood there a moment longer. "Anything else?" He avoided eye contact, and stood there with a look as if he wanted to say something else but couldn't find the words. I glanced down at his hands and noticed how he was repeatedly popping his knuckles.

Must be an anxious tick. In the end he said nothing. He just bowed and walked off silently. "That's the most emotion I've seen out of him."
I glances after him, humming to myself. "Alright, let's fix this transmission fluid."


Hours later it was time for closing. I managed to clean an excess oil off of me and was headed to change when someone walked in. "Sorry we're actually —" I stopped. "..closing.. sir?" "Ah, hello Mil." It was Jade. My boss from the bar. "How-how did you know I was here?" "I actually didn't. I came here for him." I turned to see my other boss looking down sheepishly.

"You're...he's..?" "Yes." "You can go ahead I'll finish things up here." I bet you will. I nod to both of them then ran and got my things. "Have a good night." "We intend to." "I did not need to know that," I mumble on my way out of the car garage.

I stood by the curb and waited while I called Kaius. However, a car rolled up to me. "Hey! Get in. Kaius couldn't make it cause he's currently knocked out." It was his sister.
"Did someone knock him out or is it another one of those days?"

"Pfft the latter. I gave him some melatonin. He'll be out for a hours at least." "Gummies or capsules?" "Capsules." "Should've laced it with some NyQuil as well." "Emilio James, Are you implying that I should've drugged my brother?"
I rested my head on the window, closing my eyes.

"You already drugged your brother." She started cackling.

I just gave in to the peaceful rest, as everything finally started to wear down on me. I was in for a long night of someone being extra clingy when they wake up.



A/N: Sorry if this chapter makes little sense. I kept starting and stopping it. I've only had enough energy to write a little at a time🥺

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