13 - Wayne's Boy

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A/N: It appears I have to edit on the desktop now.








K's Pov

I was pacing my room trying to think about what to do with Emilio, when Serenity came into my room, her face blank. "Dad says we will be infiltrating a base when we get there. Did you manage to find your passport?"

"Yeah, yeah it's in the suitcase."

I shake the mouse on my computer to awaken it, so that I can see what time our flight is.

"I hate flying," I mumble. I hear Serenity sigh and come over to place an arm around me. Giving me a backward hug. "I know. But it'll be over before you know it." She rubs my shoulders soothingly.

"It never is," I grumbled.


I was in the shower still, when I heard someone open the door to my room.
"I'll be right out!" I called from behind the door, as I rubbed my towel across my face.

When I walked out, I saw Emilio messing with things on my desk.
"Nosy." I tease. He clears his throat and puts down one of the acrylic stands.

"Ahem. So are you going somewhere—" He stops talking abruptly. I hum in acknowledgment, still drying my hair.

After a few more moments of silence, I look over my shoulder at him. "Hmm? Emilio?"

"Kaius...." Something was charged in the air. The moment seemed tense. The way he's looking at me...his eyes trained on my torso.
It has me feeling giddy. But I can't be too sure. With Emilio, you can never be too sure.

"Yes," I ask, my voice thick. "Kaius." "Yes?" "Kaius.." I turned so that I was fully facing him now. Standing straight at attention. "Come here."

And oh,
That tone is...

I walk over to him without a second thought. Never mind that I was still shirtless. Perhaps, maybe that was the point.
Seeming as his eyes never once left my chest.

"Emilio." The sound of his name seems to bring him out of his reverie, if only for a moment.

"Can I....I want to—" he takes a deep breath. "Can I touch you?" Yes! Anywhere—Everywhere. "You don't ever have to ask," I whisper in the small space between us.

His touch was tentative and shy. Like a sculptor unsure of how to go about his composition.
They were calloused and rough while they wandered. But the slight scraping was still pleasurable. It was nice to finally have those hardworking hands on me, but it wasn't enough.

I want to feel those hands on me as they grip, squeeze, claw and dig.
"Touch me some more." "Wha–" I move his hands down further. "Is that all that you want to explore?"

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