12 - Host Boy

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~Arthur should get out more. ~





I was struggling during rush over. You'd be surprised at how many people want 'Manhattan' that or 'Whiskey Neat' this. The fresh ones who are new to the whole alcohol thing, know nothing of the shit facing 'Long Island Iced Teas' will cause.
But that's none of my business. I've seen what happens when you try to tell a young white woman what to drink.

I prefer peace. Besides as long as no one's getting more handsy than usual it's none of my concern.
I'm all 5'8 of nothing but toned skin, what more can I do?

"How old are you?" I have a better question, how long have I been standing here rinsing the same glass?

"Sorry?" "You look young for a bartender." Nice Emilio...you're at work, Emilio. Bartender persona Emilio...

"Well, how young do I look," I ask rearranging the glass above our heads with a grin. Even now, my hands slightly shake with the fear that they'll fall and shatter. I don't trust shit Jade says.

"A pretty good age. So around mine. I'm guessing 18." "Pfft, close." Now that I'm finally looking at him, he's....pretty.

"Although, you do know that I can't serve you alcohol now, right?" I lean over the bar with a smirk. He just shakes his head. "I didn't want to drink anyway." I frown at that. "Then what are you doing at a—" "Oliver!" Another guy comes up and wraps his arm around his shoulders. He looked young like us. Friend? Boyfriend?

I stand up straighter, observing. The other guy was all smiles as he looked at Oliver. The look in his eyes...was that, adoration?

"Hey! Can I get a Whiskey and tonic please?" Please? I raise my eyebrow at that. He might just be the first one to ever say that to me....ever!

"Sure." I got to work mixing his drink. Almost disappointed. Another whiskey.

"Is the loudness too much for you? We can go take a breather." The blonde one, spoke softly while cupping Oliver's face.

The moment was suddenly intense and intimate. Why do I feel like I'm the one intruding?

I sat the drink down hard enough to garner their attention. The blonde turns back to me with a polite smile.

Geez, sorry for interrupting. "Thanks! I'm Ross by the way. This is—" "Oliver. Yeah, I got it. Can I get you anything else?"

Don't forget to smile!

Ross leans back with a calculating look but the smile never leaves. Oliver on the other hand, looks at me with interest.
"No, I—" "Didn't drink. I remember." I look away and at him now with a genuine smile. Ross huffs out a laugh.
I ignore it.

Oliver finally smiles. Then takes out a pen and paper and slides it across the bar. Ross eyes it with interest hidden behind his drink but doesn't ask.

Frowning I take it and glance at the number barely before speaking. "Sorry, but I don't take numbers of —" "It's not mine," he says matter of factly. "Well, it's my place of work's. You're Emilio." Now, this just took a weird turn. "Yeah." He nods. "You have to be. You're the only one here with long hair." My eyebrow quirks at that, I look at his hair. "The only one behind the bar." He says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

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