6 - Short Temper, Foul Mouth

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He would invite me over to his home more often than not. I would decline the majority of the time. Half the time I would have no choice since he would pick me up from work and I'd fall asleep in the passenger seat.
This has been happening for about 5 weeks now.
I hate it.

To him, this is normal. A sense of a routine. To me, this is too much. Letting someone from the outside in, let alone having them around me.

"Emilio!" "Hmm?" "Which one is best? Cup Noodles or Packed Noodles?" "Tell this criminal, that cup noodles are more convenient. Therefore better!"

"Sis, it's not about the convenience, but the taste!"
I zoned out for the rest of the debate. I've never been around actual siblings before. It reminds me of the time I saw two kids at the grocery store when I was younger.

They were arguing just like...I take a glance at these two again.
Pfft, they're arguing like children.

I let out a chuckle.

I was not expecting the dead silence afterward.

I look up at them staring at me like I've grown another head. "Emilio, did you just laugh?" I clear my throat. "Ahem, you must have misheard."
I gather my things quickly from the dinner table. "No, you just laughed!" "You're imagining things. I'm going to go study in the room." I get up quickly and walk away. He of course comes behind me.
"Emilio!" "Don't follow me." "Huh? Do it again."

"Shut up."


"Sigh, those two boys."


"Mil! Ready for another shift?" I finish putting my stuff in the back. "Sure. Loud music, bar fights....so excited!" Jade chuckles. "So your guy came around earlier. Don't know if he's still here though." Confused, I look at him. "My guy?" "You know, the guy you always leave with." "He's not my guy, Jade." He grins. "Ah, so nothing serious then?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Do you want me to toss your engagement ring down the drain?" He quickly snatches it from between my fingers. Mumbling to himself. "You're the less fun employee I have." "Not sure you should be offended by that boss. I think being serious is a good quality to have."

Jade wipes down the tables. "You're too serious though. Geez, you make me feel old!" I snort at that. He might just be one of the only people who can make me laugh. Before I could reply he puts his finger up and shushes me. "Don't." I giggle.
"Anyway, so the guy wanted to know when your shift ends." "And what did you say?"
"I was like; 'When does his shift end?' He was like 'Yeah.' Then I said; 'Definitely at the end of his shift.' Then he kept asking what time that would be." "Yeah, you didn't exactly give him a clear answer."

"He didn't ask for a clear answer. He just asked for an answer. So I told him when it's time for you to go home."
I could already hear the complaints I was going to get whenever he came to pick me up.

"I'll be back. I need to change." "Alright."


Tonight's shift was hectic. Three fights, 6 escorts of creeps, and two long queues of orders backed up. I haven't had the time to think about Kaius. My break was long past overdue. Looks like I'm not getting off early tonight. Usually, my shift didn't end until the bar closed. That was usually 1 a.m. I still have two more hours to go.

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