9 - Nervous

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A/N: To find the energy to either write a chapter or just continue writing one, has been hard.


E's Pov

We somehow ended up sleeping in the same bed. My head felt fuzzy and my eyes felt the way they usually did after you've been crying.

We were both fully clothed so that meant nothing interesting happened. I recall all of last night's events. I...think I gave him the go-ahead to pursue me.
I'm not exactly sure. I regret a few things about last night, and surprisingly, that doesn't seem to be one of them.

I was awake before him.
I was just staring at him. He looked provocative in his sleep. I wonder if this is the view all of his partners had after they'd slept together?

"Nope. I was usually gone after the night was over with." Did I say that out loud? "Mhm."

Hello, morning voice..!

He snuggles closer to me. Something about all of this feels so domestic.
Maybe...I shouldn't try so hard to avoid this.

I'll think about all of that later. Right now all I know is—— "How are you feeling?"

"Mhm. So-so," I reply.
You got me nervous to speak. So I won't say anything at all.

"Do you wanna stay in bed?" His words were slightly slurred due to sleepiness. Staying in bed? Potentially being held by him? Something so sudden begins a pang in my chest.


Let's see, even if I were to entertain a relationship with Kaius, It wouldn't last long. I mean, I plan on finishing school packing my things and leaving this town. Leaving everyone and everything behind in it. Just getting away. I'd hopefully have everything all saved up by then.

Why would he get involved with someone knowing that they will no longer be around? Say for instance, for some unknown reason, he did fall for me. Wouldn't it hurt?

Even so, when I think about all of these, all of my excuses. The fact of the matter is, I find myself thinking about him. Thinking of any way to push him away and to avoid him suffering any aftermath. But really, I'm just protecting myself. Maybe I'm the scared one.

Thinking about him,
I'm gone all the time...

Always pushing him away, scared of what I'd find.

When it's clear that he just wants to be mine.

But I'm always stuck in my mind.

Thinking about him,
He's there all the time....

Fuck it!

"Shut up and hold me."

Kaius' eyes widen after he stares at me. I ignore him and move his arm so that it wraps around me. Then I snuggled closer into him.

He was still. Like he was trying to process what was happening. I sigh.
I could practically hear his eyeballs moving around. "Just enjoy it while you can."

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