Chapter 4

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Monday. The worst day ever created. I was really dreading school today. I kinda feel mad at Kaden for asking Skyler out.

I don't know why I am. I just am.

I'm really jealous of Sky now that I know Kaden likes her and not me. It must be really awkward for Skyler knowing that the guy her best friend likes, likes her.

Kaden asked me to help him after school again today but I lied and said I had dance class when really I just didn't want the awkwardness. It wouldn't be awkward for him. Just me.

Have you ever liked someone who doesn't like you back? It feels horrible if you don't know.

It hurts knowing that he likes your best friend and not you.

I spent the day at school in complete boredom. The day dragged on and on.

In my third class with Kaden I kind of ignored him. Not completely. Just I didn't pay as much attention to him as I usually would.

I got to my last class and I felt ready to fall asleep. I was in no mood to learn about science. I honestly hated my science class. The teacher was so bipolar. One minute she'd be happy and talking sweetly and the next she'd be yelling at the whole class about the importance of quiet to concentrate when a person sneezed.

I got out my notebook and instead of doing the assigned work I stated doodling my teacher. Lets just say it wasn't the nicest drawing.

A kid next to me needed help and before I could turn the page of my notebook to prevent her from seeing, she saw.

"Miss Bradshaw! That is no way to treat your teacher!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry," I said. I was laughing in my head at her boiling mad expression. Kids in the class must have noticed too because try started laughing too.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it!" She snapped. "You have detention tomorrow at lunch!" I mentally groaned as she handed me a detention slip.

I took the slip and shoved it in my binder along with the rest of my books as the bell rang.

I quickly shot out of my seat rushing to my locker to find Skyler to go home.

"Hey," I said quickly shoving my books into our locker.

"Hey. You'll never guess what I came up with," Skyler said to me smirking and her eyes smiling.

"What?" I asked. I was kinda worried. Skyler came up with weird stuff.

"A plan," she said monotone.

"A plan?" I asked she nodded. "What kind of plan?" I was now nervous. Skyler kind of had a devious look on her face.

"A plan to get Mr Kaden to like you," she said sounding annoyed.

"Do I want to know what this plan is?" I asked worried.

"You're gonna love it," she said simply. "I still gotta work out the kinks, so meet me at our locker early tomorrow morning and I'll tell you. I gotta go now though. My mom is picking me up to go to the dentist," she said rolling her eyes.

"Have fun," I said winking.

"Always," she said closing our locker and walking to the parking lot.

I laughed and went home. I was worried about Skyler's plan. I could hardly sleep that night.

I decided to get up early so I could get to school before Skyler and meet her at our locker.

I had no idea what the plan was but I'm excited to find out.



Woah Bro! What did ya think? Please let me know in the comments. I'm so good I don't even know what the plan is. Meh I'll figure it out. Thanks soooo much for reading! If you are reading this you will hold a special place in my heart. Maybe not though cause I most likely don't know who you are.




For a cupcake?

~ Jeanie <3

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