Chapter 11

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Alright. Tonight's the night. Semi. Right now I was at Sky's getting ready. The day at school seemed to drag on and on. I almost ran out of school today because I got so bored.

"Hold still!" Marie, Sky's older sister, said as she did my makeup.

"ERMAGHERD!" I heard Skyler yell.

"Shut up!" Marie yelled. "I'm in da zone," she said. I stifled a laugh trying not to move but failed. "Ash I can't do your makeup unless you hold still!"

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"Don't stop the party! Heeeeeeyyyy!" I heard Sky singing Don't Stop the Party by Pitbull.

"Done!" Marie yelled putting down the brush she was holding. "And you can't look until you're completely ready to get the full effect," she stated firmly.

"My turn!" Sky yelled. "Move your fat arse Ash!" Sky yelled at me so I'd get out of the makeup chair.

"You're the arse!" I yelled moving out of the chair for Sky.

"You're both fricking arses!" Marie yelled trying to shut us up. Nope.

"You're the fattest arse!" Both me and Sky yelled at the same time causing us to giggle uncontrollably. Marie just rolled her eyes and started Sky's makeup.

I started to curl my hair so Marie could fix it in less time. Sky's hair was curled as well. She did hers while waiting for me.

I finished my hair and sat down on Sky's bed. I watched Marie as she finished up Skyler's makeup. Once she finished she instructed me to sit in the chair so she could do my hair.

She did a braided sort of hairstyle. I couldn't really tell though because I wasn't allowed to look in the mirror. Skyler's hair was done up in a curly updo. She looked gorgeous.

"Go change!" Marie yelled shoving our dresses in our faces.

We quickly changed. I gasped when I saw Sky. "Dayum girl!" She said to me.

"Omg you look gorgeous!" I yelled at her.

"Thanks doll face," she said putting on her shoes. I did the same and we walked out to finally see ourselves.

Marie saw us first. "Awh look at these girls!" She said to no one in particular. She pulled out a camera and snapped a quick picture. "Ok go look at yourselves but no drooling," she told us pulling the sheet that was covering the mirror.

I stared on disbelief. My red hair was long and curled with a braid going across my head like a headband. My blue eyes looked huge because of Marie doing my makeup. My dress showed off my barely there curves. The white color went well with my skin tone.

Sky looked super pretty. The purple dress made her look tall with help from her heels. Her chocolate hair was in a curly updo. Her green eyes sparkled and contrasted well against the purple in the dress. We were ready.


"Text me when you're done!l" Marie yelled to Sky from her car. She had just dropped us off at the school.

"Kk bebe!" Sky yelled to her older sister. We linked arms and confidently walked in to the gym where the dance was being held.

We walked in and the dance was already in full swing. People everywhere were dancing, singing, and overall just having an amazing time. I looked around looking for a specific someone. There he was smiling and laughing with his friends. He looked really hot. He was wearing a light blue dress shirt and black dress pants. It looked really good on him.

Skyler pulled me to a group of our other friends Sam, Rachel, and Caitlin. "Hey guys!" I heard Rachel yell over the music.

"Now the party don't start till I walk in!" Skyler shouted as loud as she could while doing some really weird dance moves. I laughed as I started to dance along with her.

We kept dancing for what seemed like no time at all which was actually about a half an hour. The dj interrupted our dancing as he stopped the music. He asked us if we were having a good time which of course everyone including me screamed at. "Alright guys in about 3 songs we're gonna put a slow one on. So guys, think about who you wanna dance with!" The dj yelled.

Whatever. No one ever really asked me to dance at any dances. I wouldn't be surprised if none of the girls in our group got asked to dance. We weren't the most popular or anything. We were average.

I stopped thinking about that and just let the music take me away as I started dancing and singing with the group again.

I stopped though when the slow song came on. Skyler was now slow dancing with a guy Tyler I think, Rachel with Will, Sam, Caitlin, and I just kinda stood awkwardly watching.

Seconds after the song started none other than Kaden walked over to me. He smiled upon seeing me.

"Dance with me?" He asked. I only nodded in response as I slid my arms around his neck. In return, he gently placed his hands on my waist.

We slowly swayed to the music. I'm pretty sure the song was I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz. "You look beautiful by the way," Kaden whispered into my ear. I felt my cheeks becoming hot at his compliment. The gym was dimly lit so hopefully he couldn't see.

"Not so bad yourself," I replied looking at him with a smirk.

He just smiled in return and pulled me closer to him. I looked into his eyes, which in the dim light of the gym, were sparkling. We just stared into one another's eyes for what seemed like forever. Just before the song ended, he gave me a soft kiss.

I didn't even register it until after it happened. I stood there with him still shocked. He could tell I was shocked by his actions and he only chuckled quietly.

I remembered what was going on in the real world and just smiled at him. A genuine smile. One that actually showed happiness and wasn't fake. I then set my head in his shoulder as we swayed gently until the song was completely over.


"SKKYYYLLLEEERRRR!" I called to my best friend after we decided to go to the washroom.

She calmly walked over to me,her dress swished with her steps. "You're not dead right?!" She asked playfully, checking my heartbeat. "Why is your heart beating so fast?" She whispered.

"Oh um, I-uh," I stuttered nervously. I needed to tell her about Kaden. "I well, he asked me to dance with him during the slow song-"

"Kaden?" She asked for confirmation.

I nodded.

"So I agreed and then we uh sorta ya know, kissed," I told her slowly. The word kissed came out more like a question than a statement.

"Oh my god! She gasped quietly taking what I had said in. "Oh my god!" She yelled louder. She was now squealing with delight in celebration for me.

I laughed. "Sky calm down!" I said attempting to quiet her.

"I will not fricking calm down! My best friend just had her first fricking kiss!" She yelled. Yea it's true. That was my first kiss. Unless you count a kindergarten kiss from your 'boyfriend' that was your husband when you played house.

I laughed and we went back out to the dance. The night went by quickly and Marie came to pick us up after.

"How was it?" She asked once we were in the car.

"Perfect," I replied smiling. It really was. I just wondered what Kaden considered us as...



Heyyyyyyy! I hope you all liked this chapter. I enjoyed writing it :) I seriously appreciate all you guys reading this. It makes my day when I see new reads on this story. Please let me know what you think pretty pleeaaasse.

Anyways I'm gonna go get some food or something. Have a good weekend guys. Vote/comment/follow. Love you jellyfish :)

~Jeanie <3

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