Chapter 12

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Deep breaths. I walked towards the school where I know Kaden would be. I don't know why I'm so nervous.

I guess I'm worried he'll ignore me or deny what happened. I just don't know what to expect. Kaden's sweet and honest. What if he'a with his friends as wants to act cool and say we didn't.

Maybe I'll just wait for him to bring it up. I don't know. Slowly but surely I walked towards the large building. This day could start off really good or really bad. It all depends on Kaden.

Sky wasn't here today. She's at an orthodontics appointment. She had perfect teeth now that her braces are off but she gets them checked every year.

Of all days it had to be today. So if things go well I won't have someone to celebrate with. Well I would if you count Sam Rachel and Caitlin I do but they don't know as much about the situation.

By now I was at the front door. What do I have to lose? I walked in semi confidently and made my way to my locker.

I looked around once I had put my stuff inside my locker. He was no where to be found. Great. First sky now him?

I huffed as I searched through my bag for my phone. Once I found it, I went on twitter and stuff because apparently I'm a loner today.

I stood in front of my locker peacefully on twitter until, "BOO!" Someone yelled next to me.

I screamed. Not just a little squeal but a terror scream. I turned to face the culprit. Who?

None other than Kaden. "I'm dead. Do you see me? Well you shouldn't cause I'm dead. You're the cause of my death!" I told him slapping his arm.

He chuckled. "I'm sorry but is there a ghost in here?" He asked looking past me.

"Yes now why'd you do that?" I asked.

"I can't just allow you to be a loner," he said.

"Ok but why'd you scare me?"

"I thought it'd be funny," he said smiling. He was clearly amused at my reaction. I hit his arm again. "I need to talk to you-" he was cut off by the sound of the bell. "Meet me at my locker at lunch," he said walking away to his class.

"Ok!" I called after him.


All through class I couldn't focus. Why'd he want to talk to me? Well, if you haven't been paying attention we erm kinda kissed last Friday.

What if he hates me now? He was a really good friend. I can't lose him! What of he starts ignoring me? What of he wants to be more than friends? What would I say?

The bell interrupted my thoughts as I rushed to my locker to grab money and then go to Kaden's locker.

My heart is beating so fast. Is it possible to get a heart attack over nervousness?

Oooh! Heart attack! I hummed heart attack by Demi Lovato as I made my way over to Kaden. My heart started beating faster. I tried to keep calm as I walk over. Clutching my money tightly, I walked.

"Hey," he said smiling.

"Hi," I returned. "What do you need to talk about?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Well..." He trailed off. "So semi last Friday was super fun," he started. I nodded in agreement. "And I, erm, kissed you," said sounding like a question. Ok yea. State the obvious. I was there! So he did want to talk about this. Great. "So um I just don't know what we consider 'us' as," he said pointing to the both of us.

Alright. So that's what he wanted. "Whatever you want 'us' to be," I stated.

"I think we should just stay friends. I don't wanna risk anything..." He mumbled. I heard him perfectly though.

Right then and there my heart broke into a million pieces. What was I thinking? We were only friends. Probably all we'll ever be.

I felt like crying but held back the tears. "Ok," I said putting on a fake smile.

"We'll I'll see you later," he said walking back over to his friends.

"Bye," I called. I wish he was mine...



I like her. I really do. I just can't do it. By 'it' I mean tell her I like her. Too much is on the line. She's amazing and I want her to be mine but I can't risk losing a good friend like her. We had become really close friends and I just can't risk it.

I shouldn't have kissed her. But how could've I resisted? She was just to fricking beautiful that night... Not that she's not alway beautiful. She always is. But she was right there and I couldn't stop myself.

Now she probably thinks I don't like her. Why is life so confusing sometimes?

I'll just have to live without her being mine.


A/N OMG I'm so sorry guys! It's been like forever since I last updated. I've just been busy with school and such. Sorry. Blame my teachers. Go eat my teachers or something.

Anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter! And i know its kinda short. Ill try updating again this week. Sorry if it sucked though. Ok everyone have a lovely day :)

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~Jeanie <3

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