Chapter 11

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After cleaning the mess the boys had left in the bathroom with the hair products and water we watched everyone go back home, some wouldn’t leave but with a little helped from Eleanor he left. Yeah Louis didn’t want to leave so he tried keeping his bum on the couch all night. Somehow we both, with a little help from Niall, got him to go.

I changed into some shorts and a tank top while Niall just stripped to his boxer before we got into bed. After talking about the last few months apart Niall fell asleep but I couldn’t get to sleep. I lay awake for a while and just watched Niall’s chest rise and fall hoping it would bring me to sleep but it didn’t.  I turned to look at the time and noticed it was now 2:54 a.m.

‘This is hopeless.’ I thought out loud. I climbed out of the bed and went downstairs to get something to drink. I knew my way around so the only light I turned on was the ones above the stairs. The darkness wasn’t really scary for me because I knew that I locked all the doors, well Niall did.

I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and went to get the milk out of the fridge. I reached for it but stopped when I heard the front door open and shut, pretty loudly as well. I dropped the glass and watched it break into tiny pieces as my heart started accelerating.

Whoever it was making their way through the house pretty quick; my legs walked backwards until I hit the counter then I lowered myself to the ground, trying to be unseen and unheard. My hands clamped over my mouth as the intruder walked past the kitchen.

Soon enough there was commotion upstairs and I hoped it was Niall waking up.

“Courtney, where are you love?” I heard his sleepy voice ask from the stairs and soon enough he was making his way into the living room with the intruder.

“Louis, mate what the hell are you doing here at three in the morning?” I sighed out loud as I shakily stood up. Louis is one dead man.  “Ni?” I called out, my voice shaky and uneven. I heard their feet make their way in.

The lights turned on around me as I saw both Louis and Niall standing there. “There’s glass there so watch.” I pointed to the glass that scattered all around the fridge. My whole body was shaking as I carefully sat back down on the floor again to try and calm down my body.

“Good move Lou.” I heard Niall say then move around the glass to come sit beside me. His arms wrapped around me as I let my head rest in his lap. He ran his fingers through my air to calm me Louis instinctively cleaned the glass up for me.

“Thank you, now why did you come to our house at this time in the morning?” I asked slightly tired. He sheepishly moved his hand to the back of his head. “Um I kind of forgot my phone and needed it.” I turned my head to him and glared holes into his skull.

“I’m sorry I was just going to come in and get it then leave, I promise.” He ducked his head. I could tell Niall wanted to say something but I was tired now and I don’t really care.

“That’s fine Louis, but we’re going to bed. If you forget something here again just wait until in the morning to get it, yeah?” I yawned and snuggled into Niall’s chest.  Louis murmured an okay before grabbing his phone and leaving. I sighed and stood up and waited for Niall to come back from locking the door. I used the counter for support until my feet were coming out from underneath me.

“Let’s go to bed princess.” He placed a kiss on my forehead and took me back to bed.

I awoke the next morning to a strong pair of arms wrapped around my back. I smiled and snuggled into Niall’s chest. This was the best feeling in the world that ended way too quickly.

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