exhausted- Leyden

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trigger warning. This chapter does talk about suicide and suicide attempts., along with self-harm.

Coach made me run extra today during practice today, so I'm exhausted. I have to hurry home because I have to watch Livy after dinner. I never would've thought I would have to babysit my twin. I hurry back into the locker room and take off my shoulder pads and cleats. I put on a clean t-shirt and my sweats from this morning, trying to tune out the Lockeroom talk and who everybody fucked last weekend, they talk about it more than you would think sex would be brought up in a Lockeroom. 

"So you still on for Wednesday at the arcade?" Rowan asked me, just as I shut my locker and was about to head out. 

"Yeah, just text me where I'm going." I reply back, continuing out to my car. It's only Monday, but he asks a lot because I always end up canceling my plans, and I know it hurts him but sometimes I just get too anxious and feel sick. He understands and doesn't complain but I want to be there for him as much as he has been for me. At this point I'm starting to drive out of the parking lot, and I'm heading home. I should probably check my phone, but I don't want to get into an accident or get pulled over.

As I'm entering my neighborhood, I hear distant sirens, so I look around to make sure I don't need to pull over. Nothing. The sirens stopped, but as I turned the corner, I see lights flashing and they're in front of my house. Millions of thoughts run through my head at 100 miles per hour. I quickly pull up, parking near the sidewalk because the ambulance and firetruck are blocking my spot. I dashed out of my car to my parents who are both crying in the driveway while talking to an officer. 

"WHAT HAPPENED?" I basically shout as my heart feels like is going to beat out of my chest. My dad, with a few tears falling from his eyes started walking me down the driveway, away from my mom who is hysterical, with his hand on my shoulder. We get to the end of my driveway and we stop once we got to near where I had parked my car, and he wiped the tears from his face. 

"Your sister, she-" My dads voice broke a little. 

"Livy, she found some pills, and took them. Soon after she had taken the pills, she cut her wrists pretty deep. She wasn't even in her room for fifteen minutes alone." My dad said, now a few more tears falling down his cheeks again. My whole world broke, I physically felt my heart break into pieces. I felt tears running down my cheeks the moment my dad finished his sentence. I stood there crying harder than I have ever cried. My dad gave me a hug, rubbing my back as I let my tears fall onto his shoulders. 

"She still has a pulse." My dad managed to let out. I pulled out of the hug, wiping my face with my t-shirt. I felt a slight relief, but I was still terrified.  I know mom needs a hug right now. I walk up to my mom, tears still falling from my eyes and give her the biggest hug, listening to her sobs.

 "My baby girl, please. please be okay." She let out through sobs. Then I see it. My twin sister. Shes laid out on the stretcher with gauze on her arms, the blood had soaked through already. Her blonde hair was a slight mess, her eyes were closed, mascara was all down her cheeks, like she was crying, and she had a thin white hospital looking blanked covering her feet all the way up to her chest. She almost looked dead. They put her into the ambulance, and I was in shock. My parents both went inside, and I stayed in place, staring at the ambulance. Eventually, the sirens turned on and the ambulance pulled out of the neighborhood, the firetruck following behind it. The officer had left earlier. I walk up to the porch bench and just sit there, crying with my head in my hands, when I hear a familiar voice.

"Nixon!" I look up and see Aurelia.

 She calls me Nixon and I call her summers at school. I quickly wiped my eyes and cheeks, and swallowed the lump in my throat as she was sunning across the street. 

"My mom wanted me to ask what was going on, and if you guys are okay." She asks me. 

"Yeah, uhm- we're fine. I'll tell my mom to text your mom." I say, my voice breaking a little. 

"As much as we don't like each other, you can talk to me Nixon. I know you were crying." She assures me. 

"Fuck off Summers, I know you are just trying to use this to your advantage. I know you really don't care about why I was being a pussy crying on my porch." I snap back. 

"Leyden, all shit aside, I can still think you're annoying but care about your well-being." She replies back. 


"Leyden please-" I hear her say before I storm into my house and slam the door. 

I take a deep breath, releasing my anger before I walk into the kitchen to talk to my parents. 

"Mom, the summers want to know what was going on." I say to my mom who is pacing around the kitchen. 

"I told them you would text vanessa and tell her what happened." I say. She looks up at me and nods. 

"Your Dad is packing an overnight bag; we are going to stay in the hospital with Livy tonight. Are you alright to go to school tomorrow?" She asks me. I need to be strong for her, and dad. 

"Yeah, I'm okay to go. Just text me with updates throughout the day." I reply back, going in for another hug. 

It's been a few hours since my parents left, I've done my homework, taken a shower and eaten a small dinner with the little appetite I have. I really want to cancel Wednesday, there's no way I will be able to go.  I grab my phone to facetime Rowan. It rings a few times and then he finally picks up. 

"Yo Ley, what's up?" Rowan asked me. He was in his kitchen eating pasta, wearing a wife beater with his wet hair dripping. 

"So, about Wednesday-"I say before getting interrupted. 

"Are you going to cancel? I had a feeling you would. You do it every time we try and plan something that involves more than just us two." He said to me. He looks visibly upset. I need to be there for him more. 

"No- uh I wasn't going to cancel, I just wanted to know the plan. Like where are we going, are we getting food; and if we are, before or after the arcade. I say covering up the fact I was about to cancel.

"I'll text you everything right now. I gotta go. Bye Ley!" Rowan said in a hurry before hanging up. Shit.

authors note:

if you are struggling with mental health or are in a crisis please reach out! -if you are in the U.S call 18002738255 or 988.

love you and stay safe.

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