argument. - Aurelia.

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We had been at the arcade for around an hour and a half. At this point we were all getting bored of the arcade, so we were just trying to use the rest of our points on the claw machines. 

"This shit is rigged, I definitely had that." Leyden whined. 

"Maybe you're just bad. Let me try!" I suggest, now walking over to the machine he is at. He's at a machine with a hello kitty plushie. He must be trying to win it for Livy.

"Move, let me try! "I say. he doesn't move. 

"No." He argues back. He knows he's bad then. I'm going to have to do the most awkward move to get him to move. I'm going to give him one more chance. 

"Nixon, move." I tell him. He stayed, no reply back. I need to mentally prepare to do this. I let out a deep breath and walk closer to him, scooting my way in between him, and the machine. For a brief few seconds my ass was up against his crotch. I then crouched down to swipe my card and I got back up. He moved. 

"Excuse me..." he said, clearing his throat passive aggressively.  Easiest way to get a dickhead man to move. 

"You're excused." I shoot back, now moving the leaver to center it to the plushie. I check the side of the machine before hitting the big red button. The claw lowers, grabs the plushie and drops it into the prize area. 

"See, easy!" I say in a happy tone, to annoy Leyden.

"Pure luck." He insists. I look around and Esme and Rowan are focused on the claw machines but are in ear shot. I get on my tippy toes and put my hand on his shoulder for balance. 

"Give this to Livy for me." I whisper in his ear, accidentally brushing it with my forehead as a get back to ground level.

"Yeah, okay I'm going to the bathroom." He says, rolling his eyes at me and turning around to walk towards the bathrooms. 

I win around 3 more prizes before I run out of points on the card, and everyone else ran out at the same time too. 

"You out out of points too?" I ask as Rowan and Esme start walking back to me.

"yeah" They answer in sync.

"Where's Leyden?" Esme asks.

"Bathroom." I reply, right after I say that he walks up from behind me. 

"you guys done?" Leyden says, holding the hello kitty I won for him.

"Mhm" We collectively answer. 

"I know that the boys got here together, and me and Aurelia came together, but why dont I ride with Rowan, and Leyden ride with Aurelia? It makes sense since they live across the street, and rowan and I live 5 minutes away!" Esme suggests.  Leyden and I look at each other. 

"Hell no." I reply.

"Yeah, no." He answers, agreeing with me. 

"Come on, its way easier!" Esme practically begs. 

"Fine, whatever." I agree.

We all say our goodbyes to Rowan and Esme, then walk out to my car. Luckily its clean since I clean out my car weekly. We pull out of the parking lot and its silent. I hear a few notifications from his phone. 

"Can you silence your phone that shit is annoying." I tell him. No reply. I look over at him and he's looking at his phone with a look on his face. Fear. 

"What the fuck!" He says out loud.

"What the fuck did you do, Summers!" He shouts. He sounds pissed.

"What do you mean?" I ask, super confused. 

"You went and told the whole school my sister is in a coma!" He answers, still in a shout.

"I only told Esme! She knew Livy so I thought she deserved to know!" I try and reason. 

"NOBODY DESERVES TO KNOW UNLESS I TELL THEM MYSELF." He screamed. I'm now terrified. He's screaming at me while I'm driving.

"I didn't know Esme was going to say anything." I said, trying to calm him.

"Don't put this on her. If you wouldn't have told her, this would have never happened! Fucking Christ, for having good grades you really are an idiot!" He says, in a shout. 

"Look I'm sorry, Leyden." I apologize, hoping to calm him.


"What are you so mad about Leyden, why are you keeping your sister's coma a secret?" I ask, confused.

"I don't want people's pity and fake well wishes, its fucking stupid. I want to keep my home life at home because unlike you, I don't want everyone knowing my business." he replies. This really pissed me off.  

" Oh, fuck you Leyden. I know deep down you're ashamed of Livy after she had that episode in freshman year.  Thats why you don't want her back in school. She knows you don't want her back in school and she told me about it. Thats more than likely why she did this. it's your fault." I shout back at him, keeping my eyes focused on the road still. I regret adding the last part as soon as I said that. 

"You know what, that's probably why your dad divorced your mom. He got tired of you. Thats why you see him maybe twice a year? right. It's your fault every man your mom has dated has left. They can't stand you, your annoying voice, the way you always have to be right, the way you can't shut the fuck up. You're a horrible person Aurelia." Leyden said, sounding calm, his voice cracking slightly.

"Ok." Is all I can manage to let out before I let out silent tears.  I focus on the road as the tears slide down my cheeks and I control my breathing, so I don't make a noise. I make it to our neighborhood and finally to our houses. I stop in the middle of the road to let him out. Neither of us say anything and he gets out, slamming the door behind him. I pull into my driveway and sit in my car, replaying the words he said in my head. 

"Am I that annoying?" I say to myself out loud, hearing the shakiness in my voice before my silent cries turn to sobs. I really am a bad person. Who in their right mind would tell someone their twin tried to kill their self because of them.

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