Party pregame. - 2 povs.

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                Leydens Pov.

I woke up on Aurelias couch, well rested for the first time in a while. I see Esme on the other end of the couch, and Aurelia and Rowan are probably upstairs. I decide to get up and use the bathroom, stretching and cracking my back before I walk over to the downstairs bathroom. 

I walk into the bathroom, turning on the light and looking in my mirror to see sharpie ALL OVER my face and I can feel my body fill with anger, considering we had all planned to go to a party tonight. I ran upstairs to Aurelias bedroom, swinging the doors open and walking over to her bedside and shaking her awake 

"AURELIA. WAKE THE FUCK UP." I yell. She quickly opens her eyes with a fearful look on her face before that fear washes off her face, turning into laughter. 

"Leyden..." She says in between laughs. 

"What the hell is going on?" Rowan says in his raspy morning voice.

"LOOK AT MY FUCKING FACE." I yell. Rowan looks over at me and bursts out laughing for a few seconds, until he sees I'm still not laughing. 

"What the fuck happened to your face?" He says, trying to stop himself from laughing. 

"Ask Aurelia." I say, glaring at Aurelia who is red in the face from laughing. 

"I was mad at him yesterday, so I decided to get payback!" She explains.

"Why are you so mad anyways, it's not like we're going to school."  She asks, cracking her neck while still sitting in bed.

"The Fucking party, Aurelia! Are you slow!" I reply back to her, rolling my eyes at her stupidity.

"Fucking relax Leyden, you're acting like this will stay on your face forever, like a tattoo. Its sharpie." She tells me, now grabbing her phone to check the time.


" I was going to drag this out longer, but you're so fucking annoying and super clueless, follow me." She says, getting out of bed and motioning me over to her bathroom. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" I ask as she's oping her cabinet under her sink to grab rubbing alcohol.

"Are you fucking slow" she mimics my voice. 

"It's to get the sharpie off, it takes it off in no time!" She explains while grabbing a cotton round and drenching it in the alcohol.

Aurelias Pov:

I rub the cotton round around his face, taking off the drawings I did on his face.

"See look! It's coming off!" I tell him, rubbing the cotton round in a circular motion.

"Yeah, feels like you're taking my skin with it! Stop!" He tells me, turning his head away from me.

"Stay still!" I say in almost a whisper, grabbing his face gently, then jumping up on my counter so I can reach the rest of his face.

"I'm almost done." I say, still in a quiet voice. As getting the last few things off his face, I see him swallow hard, I then feel the air feel thicken with tension. 

"You done?" he says, interrupting the feeling. 

"Oh- Yeah. I'd wash my face if I were you, just so it doesn't get irritated." I suggest, walking out of my bathroom. 

"You sure it won't make my face melt off?" He replies. 

"Haha, funny... Anyway, I'm going downstairs to make breakfast for you all." I announce, walking out of my bedroom leaving Rowan and Leyden in my room alone. 

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