Party pt2.- 3 povs.

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Aurelias Pov:

"Aurelia, truth or dare?" Leyden asks me.

"Dare. Duh!" I reply. 

"Take this piece of gum and chew it then whoever these lands on, you have to go and put the gum in their mouth while kissing them." He instructs me with a grin. As he spins the bottle it lands on him.

"Re-spin, right?" He says, looking at everyone. 


"Nah dude"

"No, you gotta do it." someone tells him. 

I chew the gum enough, I then walk over to him, grabbing his face so it's at a better angle and press my lips against his, using my tongue to slide the gum in his mouth. I then get back to my spot at the outdoor table and by the time I got back to my spot, he had already spat the gum out. 

"Yo, Brynn truth or dare?" Some guy says. 

"Dare." She replies confidently. 

"Whoever these lands on you gotta make out with them for 30 seconds." He says spinning the bottle.

"Vincent! You have to make out with Brynn!" The guy announces.

they both stand up and he aggressively smashes his lips onto hers like he's been wanting to do that for years. I watch as they are passionately kissing each other, their tongues exploring each other's mouths, sucking each other's lips, letting out shaky breaths and their lips separating made a clicking sound. then the timer went off. 

"Hey guys!" Rowan said, walking back with Jaxon. their hair is messed up and Jaxon's shirt was all the way buttoned up, but now it's not. They definitely did something in that closet. 

"Row it's your turn to ask truth or dare!" I say, breaking the silence. 

"Leyden truth or dare?" He asks as he fixes his hair and shirt. 

"Dare." He replies, hesitantly. Rowans now has a grin plastered on his face.

"Whoever the bottle lands on has to sit on you lap for the rest of the game." Rowan explains, looking around at everyone before spinning the bottle. 

the bottle stopped, I looked down at it and it was on me.

"No way." Leyden said out loud. For whatever reason, him saying that hurt me but I brushed it off.

"Go ahead Aurelia, sit on his laaaap!" Esme said, winking at me. 

I walked over to him, he was sitting with his hands in his pockets, taking them out as I approached. 

"Sorry." I whispered to him as I went to go sit on him. As I sat down, I felt him change positions to get comfortable with me on him. I am extremely nervous for some reason, but I shouldn't be. Was Esme, right? Do I like Leyden?

I also try to get comfortable, moving around a lot trying to find the most comfortable way to sit.

"Stay still." He whispered to me. Jesus. I can't focus on what anyone else is saying or doing, I completely zone out, not caring enough to zone back in.

"Earth to Aurelia!" Esme says to me, waving her hand in my face. 

"Hm?" I reply, confused. 

"You want another drink? we're taking a break in the game. 

"YES!" I say, sliding off of Layden's lap and going to get another drink." 

Leydens Pov:

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