Aftermath- Leyden.

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I open my eyes, squeezing them back shut trying to get the pounding sensation in my head to stop. 

"Uhhhg" I groan, rolling over on the couch so I'm now facing outwards.

"There's Advil and a glass of water on the coffee table! Stay hydrated!" Rowan shouts front the kitchen. He's the best.

"Okay mom" I roll my eyes before sitting up to grab the glass.

"Fine! You wanna make your own breakfast?" He asks, sounding like my mom.

"No, no I'm good..." I trail off before going to sit at the kitchen island to watch him cook. I grab my phone that's still in my pocket to check my notifications, but its dead.

"Fuck me man." I groan, getting up to grab my charger from my backpack that's still sitting in aurelias mudroom. 

"I thought you were straight?" Rowan Questions. 

"You know what I mean dumbfuck!" I shout from the other room. I make my way back to the kitchen island where I plug my phone in on the side.

"How do you think the girls are gonna feel? They drank pretty heavily," I ask Rowan.

"I'm pretty sure you blacked out Ley, they were still conscious when we got here. I'm sure you drank more than both of them combined." He tells me, now putting the scrambled eggs on the plate.

"But they aren't awake yet?" I ask, confused. 

"Nope, they both are but Aurelia said she was going to shower then come back downstairs." Row explains, putting the plate of eggs and bacon in front of me. Before I know it, I'm shoveling the eggs into my mouth like I've never eaten before.

"Aurelia told me you got a hard on while she was on you lap last night... what was that about?" Rowan says blatantly. I choke on my eggs.

"What." I say, in disbelief. 

"Explain." Rowan demands, now taking the seat next to me.

"I don't remember-" I start to say before it all comes back to me. 

"Jesus, fuck." I say, laying my fork in the kitchen island. 

"I'm waiting..." Rowan says, rolling his eyes.

"She was just moving around a lot on my lap and that was it. Nothing else." I explain, annoyed.

"You sure it wasn't because you had a pretty girl in a short dress on your lap?" He leans in, whispering. 

"Fuck you Row, now what happened in that closet?"  I shoot back at him.

"Yeah Row, what happen with you last night? Messed up hair and unbuttoned shirt?" I hear from upstairs. I look over and see Aurelia walking down her spiral stairs in a sports bran and pj pants.

"We just kissed that was it..." He says, now looking down at his phone.

"I bet he kissed your-" Aurelia says before getting cut off. 

"OHHHKAY enough! I'll tell you guys." Rowan interrupts

Esme eventually comes downstairs to eat breakfast as Rowan goes into extreme details about what went down in the closet (😉)

"Row, I mean this in the best way possible. What the fuck!" Esme finally says. 

"Hey, they wanted to know, so I told them, don't blame me!" Row responds, shrugging his shoulders,

"Next time not so much detail..." Aurelia says, collecting our now empty plates.

"Exactly. I didn't want to know how long you were able to last... by the way you should work on that, it's not a long time at all." Esme tells Rowan.

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