(1) Christmas at the Weasley's pt1

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You were at the Weasleys for Christmas and you LOVED Christmas with the Weasley even if it meant you getting hurt. The whole family knew about your abuse and made sure every Christmas was better than the last. Ron hadn't got you anything other than embarrassing you in front of his family. It was raining one night and you and Harry flew in for Christmas. The only family you guys had were each other and the Weasleys.

you knocked on the door on the way to tell George you guys were there. Let's just say he liked you too and had been holding off till you broke it off with Ron. George heard the knock and a smile grew on his face, he went and opened the door and got a hug from you, and Harry walked in dripping wet and you the same. George didn't care if you were wet, hot, freezing, or anything he loved the hugs from you. you got a hug from everyone except for Ron. He hugged Harry but forgot you existed. The girls took you to Ginny's room and changed you into shorts and a sweater, one of George's hand-me-downs.

You came back down with the girls laughing. Ron had made a sexual gesture toward you and you sat next to him as he put his hand on your thigh and George called you over to sit with him. You accepted the offer and you got a slap on your ass and walked to George with a sad look, he just saw you so happy and then that happiness taken away from you.

Tears had started going down his face, Harry had noticed and tapped George on the shoulder and pointed to his little sister.

George took your hand, led you to the kitchen, and wiped your tears away. "Hey it's ok, he's a jerk. What's bothering you, love?" He said in a worried tone. You looked away, you guys heard Ron saying "Ugh she's crying again? She's such a burden." This only made you start crying harder and run out the door and everyone chasing after you. You got lost and started yelling for Harry or George. you sat under a tree and cried harder. "Now that bi-" Ron was cut off by an angry George

"WILL YOU SHUT UP, SHE IS AN AMAZING PERSON WITH AN AMAZING PERSONALITY, AND TO HELL, WITH IT I LOVE HER!" Ron's mouth dropped and everyone went silent. George knew the area like the back of his hand so he went off to find you. After a good few minutes of walking, he saw you asleep under a tree drenched in the rain. He picked you up and walked you back in his arms. He walked through the door Molly had warm clothes and towels and blankets. Harry saw his little sister and helped George with you and got you to the couch. Molly had changed you and felt you asleep with George by your side.He fell asleep holding you in his arms, even though he could get sick but to be honest he didn't care he kissed your head every once in a while as the family watches Christmas movies except for Ron.

*The next morning*

You saw everyone asleep and you were on George he was asleep. You decide to shower and when you did, you see that Molly left a pair of clothes in the bathroom which let you know she was up. It was Christmas Eve and you were going out with the girls to get a Christmas present for the boys you guys liked. Since Hermione didn't like anyone, she just bought something for you.

You all went to Hogsmeade and you picked up:Harry: New glassesHermione: a new book setGinny: a snitch necklaceGeorge: the watch he wanted for a few years and a card.

You girls got back from shopping and you all went to Ginny's room to wrap up everything, after you all finished, you went down to help Molly and the rest of the girls hang out with everyone you told Molly you had everything in the kitchen so she could have a break and she walked to the living room and you went back to the kitchen.

Ron made you get him a drink you were walking to him you tripped on Ron's wand and spilled the drink all over him and you and everyone else laughed. Ron looked at you and got up and slapped you in front of everyone and George and Harry got up Harry grabbed Ron and George tried to help you but you wouldn't let anyone touch you except for Harry and Molly. Harry was about to kill Ron. "Harry, I wanna go home," you said, hugging Molly. Ron blurts out "GOOD LEAVE WHO EVEN INVITED YOU HERE, I WANTED HARRY NOT A PATHETIC CRYBABY," You get up and slap Ron.

"WE ARE FUCKING OVER RONALD!" You slap him again and walk out with an angry Ron behind you he grabs your hand "You aren't fucking leaving me" he griping your hand tightly and you look at George as Ron hexes you, the spell making you pass out from the impact and George hexed his little brother and ran to grab you.

He walked in the house with you in his arms and rested you on the couch. He was pacing around the room and he wouldn't calm down until you woke up, were out all afternoon and all night you woke up on the couch and did everything for the Weasleys before they woke up. The dinner was made, the things were under the tree and the whole bottom floor was clean. What took hours of work took you 45 minutes. Molly comes down and looks around, seeing food on the table with tin foil over it to keep it fresh and warm, then the living room clean. Molly gasped and looked at you and hugged you tightly.

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