(3) back at school

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2 weeks have passed and you guys are back at Hogwarts for your 5th,6th, and 7th year. You guys were stuck with Umbridge and she stopped you from playing quidditch and you were their best player other than Harry. While everyone was taking their O.W.L.S. and you heard a noise George and Fred were late but they flew in on their brooms setting off fireworks in the classroom George sent you mini-heart fireworks that you could hold that didn't hurt you. George flew down to pick you up he held his hand out, and once Umbridge saw this she smacked your hand and it stung badly you winced as you looked up at George. He sent a bright red dragon made of fireworks on her as he picked you up, putting you on the broomstick In Front of him, and flew off with you in the sky Umbridge had hexed the brooms to make the flier fall off if tried to leave the school since the twins took off the spell for them it didn't bother them but I made you fell off the broom

''GEORGE HELP PLEASE!!!!!¨ you screamed he looked behind him as saw you falling he yelled for Fred and they both swooped down to your rescue George grabbed your arm and threw you up and he caught you like a princess. "you ok love" He asked and set you on the ground but he got hit with a kiss and he kissed you back almost dipping you. Umbridge came out and saw you guys kissing and she pulled you away from George. He was pissed as she walked away with you in her hand and your wand in the other.

George has had enough of that witch so after your detention George in front of Umbridge. she chased you guys into the forbidden forest. Centaurs pulled Umbridge away and he put his robe on you and you guys walked back to the dorms and got a letter saying something about George's eldest brother getting married and they need them home quickly.

You and George packed and told Hermione, Harry, and Ron and they did the same. you all arrived at the burrow to be on Fire and fly to the order of the Phoenix Headquarters at number 12 Grimuald Place, George got hit with the crucio curse in the side and you flew faster holding onto George so he didn't fall. When you got there you yelled for help and Molly and everyone else ran to you holding George in your lap with your head on his crying, George was unconscious the boys tried to touch George but you yelled at them and only let Molly touch him you were sent to sleep. you slept in George's shirt and kept the ring close to your heart. he was out for 3 days

George had woken up and saw you asleep by the fireplace and Molly looking after her he groaned and Molly turned around and hugged her baby boy "H..hows Y/N" He asked "She's a little sick at the moment, she barely eaten, drank anything or sleep the past few days" she answered he uses his wand and moved you on the couch and caressed the side of your head and kissed it lightly. Molly smiled "You really love her huh" He nodded and smiled and fell back asleep with you cuddled into his neck.

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