(10) Wedding planning

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Everyone had gone to bed but you and George stayed up and hung out in your guy's room he had you pinned on the bed you were both shirtless, his hand slid down your waist and tried to undo the skirt you had on, you pulled away and slowly pulled the skirt down for him he kissed down your neck and chest as you cast a silencing charm around the wall of the room thank you, Professor, Flitwick you thought, he got off of you and kicked his pants off and you threw him on the bed and sat on his lap he put his hand on your neck and your hand slid up his bare chest and your lips on his neck. you had pulled away and just laid your head on his shoulder. 

"I missed you Georgie ~¨ you said, he lifted your head and pecked your lips softly. "I missed you too princess~"

He laid his head on your head as you fell asleep in his arms he picked you up and laid you on the bed and left you numb in the room , George got ready for bed and went to bed 

The next day

You woke up bright and early and talked with Molly about the wedding dress, where you want to get married, and everything in between. George had come down to see you blushing and Molly giving you a bunch of random wedding questions and showing you dress options.
" Wow mum, you want me gone soon don't you," he said, wrapping an arm around you. "Good morning my love," he said to you

 "Sorry honey, I'm excited about you two getting married!" She said "Me too Mom it's not every day you find someone like you and Dad," he said. You looked at him and he winked at you. You smiled getting George a cup of coffee, you had gotten a good look at him and he was wearing a white button-up with his work jacket on his arm, you had bitten your lip and he had noticed, he walks over to you and kissed your lips hands on both sides of you and his kisses going down your neck.

"How would you guys feel about getting married here?" his mother asked "Sure I don't mind that and I don't think George would either-!" he started making a hickey on your neck, you grip his shirt as he starts kissing down your neck and on the exposed part of your skin from the tank top you were wearing. Fred grabs the back of his shirt and drags him out of the house and takes him to work. 

throughout the day Molly had taken you window shopping for wedding things just to get an idea of what themes or decoration ideas, you took a pit stop so you could see your fiance, and you slipped into the shop and watched his work. you didn't think he could get more attractive. 

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