(6) the yule Ball pt 1

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The Yule ball was coming up at Hogwarts again and it was tomorrow night and you, Ginny, and Hermione were giddily about the ball. The boys walked up behind you guys Hermione and Harry, Ginny and Luna, you and George. Ginny recently came out as gay to everyone which nobody minds, plus her crush was Luna Lovegood. "I'll take her if you don't mind," George said before he took your hand and walked towards the dorms with you. "How much you wanna bet they're gonna snog?" Ginny asked, " 5 gallons," Hermione answered.

George pulled you to your room and he saw your dress and smirked. "You have to try that on for me Beautiful," he asked "Nope you'll have to wait till tomorrow night love," you said teasingly he pulled you onto his lap as he sat on the bed "You are a beautiful princess," He said kissing your lips over and over "Why thank you, baby boy," you said kissing him back every time. Ron had come in to ask you to the Yule Ball.

"Hey Y/N!" He shouted. "Can you not shout, I'm right here!" You said annoyed "Oh ok, I wanted to tell you you're going to the Yule ball with me and only me." He said forcefully going to grab your wrist. "Umm, I'm sorry she's going with me right princess," George said, intervening and pulling me behind him. "Yep, George asked me a few days ago, sorry Ron," you said.

He rolled his eyes and sees the dress you planned on wearing and smirked devilishly "You'd look so sexy in that dress love~" he commented, George got up in his and said " I know she would, and I'd appreciate if you did not talk about MY Partner like that" your eyes widened and looked at George as he winked at you.

You giggle and the unthinkable Ron hexed George, his own brother and he flew out the window. You ran past everyone and tears were going down your face. You ran out to see that his broom caught him. You ran to him and he hugged you tightly. "Easy baby I'm alright" he said as he wiped the tears off your face, you nodded crying in his chest and Fred came running to you guys "You ok George I saw your little wife run after you" he nodded " I'm fine Freddie, she saved me," he said as you sniffed ginny ran up and hugging her brother. "Hey little sis," he said, hugging her back "Hey big brother" you smiled as Ginny grabbed you and pulled you to Hermione.


The girls pulled you inside your dorm to work on your dress, makeup, and hair. your hair was down and curled, your makeup is a red eye shadow with a golden shimmer, and a red lips. your dress fit your body quite nicely and it was a deep red with lace and velvet finish.

If you wanna look at the dress( just copy and paste)


The other girls got ready and you got scared very quickly towards the end. You looked in the mirror and saw a beautiful girl but what you didn't see was all the bad stuff George got rid of when you were together since he was the one who calms you down the most.

At this point, you were ready to be in a serious relationship with the ginger-haired boy, and hope he asked you out tonight at the Yule ball. As you guys shut the door behind you, you guys saw your dates and as George held in hand out and you took it, he instantly spun you around to get a 360* of the girl he was after. "You look beautiful Miss Weasley" you giggled "Thank you, Mr. Weasley '' you hummed "I just remember I have to help Professor McGonagall with something I'll see you soon pretty boy~'' He chuckled as you ran down the hall holding up your dress so you didn't trip.

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