(9) Happy Birthday Y/n

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Everyone got up very early on your birthday and set up everything with the help of magic. George was going to take you out on a birthday date. He walked up to your guy's room and saw you starting to wake up. He sat on the bed and moved your hair out of your face and slowly placed a gentle kiss on your forehead then you looked up at him and smiled with tired eyes. "Happy birthday, my dear~," he said with a sweet and gentle tone. You smiled more and replied with a simple "Thank you, Georgie." He nodded, left the room, and came back with pancakes, orange juice, and eggs. You sat up, he placed it on your lap, you smiled and kissed the gingered hair boy and he left the room with a single rose you ate and just had a good morning.

You had gotten up and got dressed in a white shirt and a red skirt with a Gryffindor tie tied around your neck and the rose in your hair from breakfast and your black boots. You went downstairs to see everyone and George in awe with your outfit of the day. Fred, his twin, had to snap him back into reality. You giggled and Molly led you to the kitchen with your eyes covered as your eyes were uncovered tears formed in your eyes once you saw everything they had done for you. Molly had noticed "Dear, what's wrong?¨ The tears had fallen from your eyes at this point " O-oh sorry!" George saw you wipe your tears

 "Nobody has done this for me before since I and Harry were the only one left in our family we never really celebrated our birthdays" You looked down and felt a hand touch your cheek then a group hug surrounded you, George took your hand and led you guys on your guy's date he took you too honey dukes and bought you your favorite candies and you too spent the whole day together but what came next you never expected.

He brought you to the hill where you guys had your first date during the summer, you both lay on the grass and he rolled over to face you and slowly pulled out the ring box, and mumbled "It's now or never" he breathes and shows you the box and asked you to stand "You bring out the best in me. Give me a chance to be the luckiest man alive. Princess, will you marry me?" he asked as tears stream down your face.

"Oh my god! Yes!" You jump on him causing him to fall back and you place a passionate kiss on the boy's lips and he kisses back making the kiss deepen, his hands slowly raised up your skirt and you pull away, He puts the ring on your finger and you grab the bag of candies and you guys fly back "I love you georgie~" he smiles "I love you more, my love" he hummed as he flew you to back to #12 Grimmauld place.

You opened the door and hid your hand "So Georgie what did she say?" Fred asked and you held up your hand for his answer and tears streamed down your face again the girls screamed and pulled you into a hug "Welcome to the family" Molly said you nod and get picked up and spun by George.

"Happy birthday, Princess~" he said
"Thank you, Georgie," you said back with a smile and he dipped you and kissed you as everyone clapped

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