(13) Marriage and Wedding

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A few weeks passed and Harry and Hermione were getting married. The men set up the venue and the girls helped Hermione get ready as for you you were working outside with the boys in your dress. George was imagining you in a wedding dress, his dad snapped his fingers in front of him and George snapped back into reality. "S..sorry dad" his dad nodded and they continued setting stuff up. You heard Voldemort's voice in your head causing you to stop and scream, Harry running over to you and pulling you into a hug. "Shh it's ok I get them too, they will stop soon I promise," he said as you stopped screaming "Go rest little sis I'll send George to wake you up when we are ready" You nodded Arthur picked you up, and carried you up and brought you to the room you and George shared.

The wedding was about to start. George had come to wake you up, he had seen you up and you were fixing your dress in the mirror. George had wrapped his arms around your waist and slowly rubbed your waist as you looked at him turning around. " ready love?" He whispered in your ear, you let out a calming sigh and nodded, he placed a gentle kiss on your lips and pulled away going to Harry as his best man, and you were Hermione's bridesmaid.

The wedding had started and you walked down the aisle you holding up the back of her dress, you felt light-headed and just went with it as they said their "I do's" It started to get worst, and right after the reception you blacked out the only thing that replayed in your head as if it was George who died and not Fred. You finally woke up screaming in the middle of the night only to see George wake, scared for his girlfriend, tears streamed down your face and George pulled you close under the blanket Shhh, it's ok it's a nightmare, I'm right here you can feel me and see me right?" He asked you nodded as a response he wiped your tears and you fell asleep on his neck.

He thinks: I'll ask her tomorrow, after a date, and some air.

The next morning you woke up and saw Geroge smiling at you and he caressed the side of your thigh. You had giggled, and he looked into your eyes. "Wanna go on a date with me princess?~" he asked you and nodded he had gotten up and got ready as you stayed in bed sleepily, and he walked out of the bathroom fully clothed. Not that you haven't seen anything before, he kissed your head "Get up you lazy butt" he said as you giggled, he left the room and went to his mother in the kitchen, and when she asked about the screaming he frowned and told Molly about what happened.

You had walked downstairs in a red dress with black tights and your black boots. He eyed you up and down, he smiled and twirled you around and you placed your hand on his chest catching yourself "Shall we go, My Dear~" he bowed, holding out his hand towards you, and you gladly took it. His mother waved you guys off as you flew off on George's broomstick and you guys just flew around went to honey dukes and got your guy's favorite treats you two sat on the hill he proposed last time.

"Umm you know this was where I proposed last time~" he commented breaking the silence and you looked at him " Y...Yeah it is" you smiled looking down he chuckled "Stand up and turn around my dear~" you nodded and did what was asked. He got up, grabbed the ring from his pocket,t and kneeled on one knee "Turnn around my love~" he said. You turn around and your eyes widen and tears perk your eyes.

"Will you marry me y/n I know last time wasn't a good idea, but I think it's a good time to do it now I love you and I don't want to stop please say yes?" he asked you giggling and jumped on him causing you both to roll down the hill you guys were on when you two stopped you he was on top and you were on the bottom. "Yes I'll marry you again and this time we will get married I assume~" you winked at him rolling over to where you were on top. He nodded as the two of you got up and walked up the hill you cheated because you ran. He grabbed you by your hips and kissed you as the moon rose and you both flew back to the burrow.

You looked and the ring and on the flight back, not noticing you were about to get struck until you were struck George didn't notice and flew on leaving you behind until he was back at the burrow he noticed you were gone. "Baby, where are you?" He yelled, getting Harry's attention and he walked out "You lost MY sister" he yelled at George. The two started arguing until you came out of the tall grass with your side bleeding. The boys were too busy arguing, Molly and Hermione ran out to help and brought you inside.

Molly attended to you and Hermione beat both boys over the head kissing Harry's cheek and hitting George, making you laugh, but it hurt instantly "Fuck me!" Tears dripped down your cheeks "Don't laugh it will only make it worse" Molly said Why'ss this feels like giving birth again" you joked causing Mollyy to laugh a little "Trust me I had 7 kids" You smiled as Molly finished up.

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