(11) The Big Fight

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George had come home from work and you pulled him to the living room "Are you sure we should get married at this moment? I mean I'd love to marry you and I love you! but right now?' you asked him. "Why not, love?¨ he questioned "I just don't think it's safe that's all! I mean with the war and us about to become parents, I think we should wait." You answered

"Why, Why do we have to wait, you said it yourself 'I don't wanna lose him again, so I'd be happy to marry as soon as possible" Your eyes perked with tears "Because I was put on the spot and yes I do wanna marry you as soon as possible, but think our fam-" he had cut you off.

"Your family?! Your family is dead Y/n you have no family" he yelled at you causing everyone to look at you too and tears fell down your face. "Ugh, you are so annoying" You looked down and took off your ring as everyone gasped. "No baby don't I'm sorry I didn't mean it-" He started only to get a ring to the chest and a necklace he had gotten you for your 13th birthday and 3rd year at Hogwarts. "We are over George Weasley," you said going up to George's room to pack your things and leave.

You had walked downstairs and hugged everyone except for George " I hope you are happy Geo- Mr. Weasley" you walk out crying with Ginny trying to go after you.

After the time you were gone, you had a little girl, a beautiful ginger girl who you decided to name August May Weasley giving her the last name of her father. It had been months since you saw them but ever since he said that you couldn't bare to go there not for a while. so you decided to leave and take up a job opportunity for 5 years.  then you left 

you had gotten letters from Harry and Hermione saying that we won the war, and many lives were lost but what hurt worse was the fact that George had gotten a new girlfriend after the war, Hermione says it's his coping skills from losing Fred during the war, it had been 5 years since then and his birthday was a few days away so you decide to come back home..  

After packing your bag and your daughter's bag you took the train home, your daughter asked about what was happening "We're going to see Uncle Harry and Auntie Hermione " you told her and she nodded falling asleep

"here i come George" you whisper. 

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