(4) The sad truth

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(Fyi y/n is suicidal and the only thing stopping her is George and Harry)

You woke up the next morning in George's neck he was awake and you started to cry he looked down and saw your tears."Don't worry princess I'm right here I promise" You jump on him and it didn't hurt him. He hugs you and you hug back "Now my mother told me you haven't eaten or drank anything the past few days. Is this true? Please princess let me help" He looked at you worried.

"Y..yes it is. I couldn't deal with you being like you were and I missed you a lot, I love you Georgie" he smiled and got up and took your hand into his. "Let's go eat princess" You nod and during breakfast people only cared about George and nobody noticed you not eating at the minimum one bite. You left the room not being noticed, you went up the stairs and felt dizzy. The last thing you saw was almost like a vision, which ended up being Christmas when you kissed George.

You fell back and got hurt. Harry heard a noise and looked at George who had heard it too. He looked next to him, his eyes widened, and got up worried. " Where's Y/N!" He asked Harry to get up and went to the noise and found you on the top of the stairs bleeding from her arms "GEORGE, MOLLY, SHES BLEEDING" they both got up and ran to Harry. Molly saw the bleeding from her arms and rolled up the sleeves and saw cuts all over your arms. George looked at you and tears streamed down his face.

 He picked you up and cleaned your cuts and cared for you.You woke up a few hours later and saw your "boyfriend" Harry, and George. "mm~ G..Georgie" he looked up and had a stern look on his face and he took you to the kitchen and told you to eat. You shook your head "N..no" you said "Eat and I'll make you feel good tonight~" he said and you nodded he watched as you ate and he held your hand. After you finished eating he pulled up your sleeves "How long have you been cutting yourself, princess?" He asked his voice calm and not raised or intimidating

"Since I got with Ron a few years ago he's told me I'm better off dead, and that I should kill myself and if I didn't by Christmas he was going to do it for me" you answered he nods grabs his wand, and got up. You knew what he was going to do and you tried grabbing him but it was too late. " WHY DID YOU THREATEN HER, AND TELL HER TO KILL HERSELF!" He yelled at Ron Harry and Molly looked up and Ron was about to get it from both boys. Molly walked over to you and held you in her arms as you cried from all the yelling and insults from Ron to you. Molly had enough and froze the room sending you to George's room and you went there and hugged a pillow waiting for him. She unfroze the room and sent George to you and he smirked while remembering what he promised you.

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