Cinema day/Chapter 43

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They both arrived at the cinema door and Klee gave a mad look to Scaramouche...

He looked back at her.
"What do you want, you little firebomb?"
He tried to sound threatening but he laughed at the same time.
He felt an urge to tease Klee as much as possible whenever she was around him. He wanted to see her reaction. He would have found it amusing and hilarious if she were to explode because of one of Scaramouche's cruel jokes.

Klee looked mad.
"Shut up! Don't act like you didn't do anything, you're a Fatui and I hate Fatui!" Then, she looked at Kazuha with a mad face. "Why didn't you tell me he is coming? Klee doesn't like purple haired guy!"

Kazuha chuckled. "Why not? You know how I feel about him, and you need to forgive him, he's not a bad Fatui."

Scaramouche's smug expression changed to a pouty one. He knew that Klee didn't like him, he knew that she blamed him for lying . But he had no intention of apologizing or anything similar, he wanted to continue pissing off Klee as much as possible. Scara turned towards her and raised his eyebrow, he wanted Klee to get as mad as he could.
"Did you just called me a 'purple haired guy' as if I didn't have a name?"
He crossed his arms and he looked at Klee.
"Such a rude child."

Klee was very mad and looked at Scaramouche. "I can't pronounce your name, it's confusing! You're an ugly Fatui, Klee hates fatui."

He laughed again, he couldn't help it when Klee's reaction was this funny.
"My name is Scaramouche, it's not so hard to say."
He got a bit closer to Klee while he was talking to her, maybe that way she would be more likely to blow up on him.
"Your voice is so cute, Klee."
He made a teasing expression while he talked, waiting for Klee's reaction.

Kazuha looked at Scara. "Alright, enough, let's go inside the cinema before Klee throws a bomb at you."

Scaramouche was giggling while he walked next to Kazu. He tried to see if Klee would continue to be angry at him as they were walking towards the cinema entrance.
"It's not like I would get hurt by your little bombs, Klee. Do you even understand how pathetic they are??"
He said that with a taunting expression on his face. He was trying her patience and teasing her, which would surely lead to an explosion pretty soon.

Klee sighed. "Klee doesn't like purple haired guy, just don't talk to me."

Scaramouche just looked at Klee and he rolled his eyes while he walked past her. After that he followed Kazu into the cinema room.
"It's better for Klee's health not to talk to me."
He seemed serious for a second but then he quickly broke out of his cold demeanor. It was too difficult to keep this attitude in front of Klee.
He looked around the cinema, taking his seat at the back. It didn't seem like a very interesting movie but since Kazuha wanted to watch it he would sit and watch it too.

They were now watching the movie.
Kazuha looked at Scara.
"It's very good, don't you think so?"

The scene where the main character met his first love was playing on the screen. Scaramouche's facial expression was blank and he looked bored, but he kept watching the movie. He was curious to see if it is actually good, like Kazu said. He was not a big fan of romance movies, but he enjoyed comedy so there was a chance this film could actually be entertaining.
The main character and the love interest were already getting very close to each other even before the first date.
Scaramouche looked bored but he kept watching.

"Scara?" Kazuha asked confused, was Scara ignoring him?

He looked up at Kazuha with a slightly annoyed expression.
His eyes looked a bit tired and his face seemed to show no emotion.
His tone was not very friendly, he was waiting for the movie to be over because he was bored and he felt like Kazuha was interrupting him.

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