Chapter 1: first meeting

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Charlotte's pov:

I've always loved my dad and respect him. I'm happy that he finally found someone to be happy with, after my mother died 4 years ago.

Today is the day when we are moving to Amanda's house. Yeah I do know how she looks like, because I have meet her once when we were shopping with dad, she was so nice and I really like her.

I started my day like always. I wake up and stared to do my morning routine then I went downstairs to meet my dad.

"Good morning" I said.
"Good morning darling, how was you sleep?"
"It was good" I said.
"Are you ready for today?" He asked.
"Yes, but I'm kinda nervous" I answer because I'm nervous as hell.
"Don't be Amanda really like you don't worry"

That really helped me to calm down little bit, he really knows how to help me when I'm feeling bad.

fast forward:

Right now I'm in front of Amanda's door waiting for her to open it for us. She have really huge house, i wonder if She lives here alone.

Once i was inside a have a little chat with Amanda and then I went to find my room so I can get my things here.

"Fuck I'm lost" I said under breath for myself.  "Who are you" as I turned around I saw a cute girl smaller than me, but her eyes were cold.
"I- I'm Cha-rlotte" I manage to get out of myself.
"And what are u doing here?" I need to be strong and don't stutter.
"I moved here with my dad to live with here with my stepmom" 
"oh so u are the girl she told me about" she said really quite that I didn't even hear it.
"sorry what did u say, I didn't hear you?"
"Nothing" she answered and walked away. 
Rude I think to myself.

I returned to my dad and Amanda after I lost hope about finding my room.

1st chapter!! I hope it's good I'm really trying my best skills with this. See you again soon bye for now ;)

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