Chapter 9: i like playing with you

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Still Engfa's pov:

After breakfast we all went to change into swimsuits. I let Charlotte change first then I changed myself. We grabbed our things and were ready to go. I am really excited and scared about the swimming. Exited because I will have Charlotte with me the whole time, but scared because when I was young I almost drowned myself.

We went to the beach. Mom and dad were already here sitting on blanket. We get them our things and slowly approached the sea. I was really scared and nervous about the it, because I have a little trauma from the drowning.

"You okay P'fa?" Charlotte asked.
"Yeah yeah I am alright" I said smiling at her trying to hide how scared i was.
"We don't have to do this if you are not ready, we can just go back and come here when you feel better." she said making eye contact with me.
"No I wanna do it, but I am just little scared."
"It's okay I get it, I will go a little further and wait for you here. You can come to me whenever you feel like it no rushing" then she smiled at me.

That made my heart melt. She really cares for me. That's another reason why I fall for her.

Charlotte's pov:

I really do care for P'fa. I don't want her to feel rushed or something, because I know she almost drowned herself when she was little that's why I want her to take it slow. I was waiting for about 5 minutes when P'fa started to approach me. When she was next to me she suddenly hugged me I hugged her back trying to make her feel better.

"It's okay, it's just water P'fa don't worry"
"Yeah it's just a water but who will protect me if I start to drown again?" She said and looked at me. I could see tears in her eyes.
"I will, I will protect you from it" I said looking at her eyes.
"I trust you Bunny" she said.
That nickname made my heart melt. I really love how she say it, no one can ever say it like her.

Then I went even further with her hugging me. I'm not gonna lie this making me butterflies in my stomach. We reached good place where P'fa can swim without drowning or any problems. I know she trust me with this and I don't want to make her disappointed in me just by making her drown or something.

*fast forward*

Engfa was actually doing pretty good. I think that she knows how to swim, but is just scared to use it. P'fa was swimming and I was holding her so she doesn't drown then suddenly she stopped and told me that she wanna try alone.  I didn't say anything and just let her. She was doing really great, but when I looked away for a moment she wasn't there! I started calling for her but she wasn't answering. I panicked thinking about the worst.

"P'fa! P'fa!" I screamed.

Then something pulled me into the water.  I was scared and couldn't breathe for a second. When I get back up I looked around if P'fa was somewhere near me. I didn't saw her and nearly started panic again. My panic stopped when I felt two arms wrapping around my waist. I know it was P'fa since I can sense her perfume.

"You scared me you know that" I said.
"I'm sorry bunny" she said still hugging me.
"It okay but please don't do that again na"
"Well I can't promise that love because I really like playing with you" she said and tighter the hug.
Wait- wait wait wait she called me love?!!??!?!
"Wait what did you call me P'fa?" I asked hopping she will say it again.
"I called you love" she said and I could feel she put her head on my back. Is she blushing??
Oh god help me she really did love??!!! That made me feel weird things. I never felt this kind of feeling in my life what is it??
"Anyways we should get going we are here for long enough and I don't wanna swim anymore."
"Yeah I agree, let's go" I said grabbing her hand.

We went back to mom and dad. After our swimming lesson all morning we started to get pretty hungry. Since our lunch was in an hour I decided that we should go for ice cream. I mean who doesn't like ice cream right?

"P'fa can we go and get ice cream please?"  I asked doing my puppy eyes because I know no one can resist them.
"Yes we can bunny let me just say it to mom" she said waiting for my reply before going back to mom and dad.
"Okay I will wait you here" 

She came back and we started to walk to the ice cream shop. After we picked our ice cream P'fa paid for it since I don't have money with me and she doesn't want me to pay for anything.

*fast forward*

It was night again. We were getting ready to sleep early today since tomorrow we are going on trip around the beach.

Just like every night I am with P'fa we were cuddling. I don't mind it she doesn't mind so why not do it. I have to say we are getting really close to each other. I thought about telling her how I feel but I'm scared to do it. Maybe some other time. For now it will be my little secret.

Engfa was fast asleep and I went sleep right after her thinking about her and our day together today.

Heeeeyyy!!!! I promised a chapter so here is it!! It's nothing extra but I think its kinda good. Enjoy and have a great day today. Byeee!!!💋

Also I'm really sorry for any misspelled words.

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