Chapter 3: Bunny?

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Charlotte's pov:

I was waiting for Engfa to come back because I was scared like crazy.  "What's taking her so long?" I asked myself.

She finally came with my things and some snacks in her hands.

"Snacks?" I asked her.
"Yes i sometimes feel hungry at night so I like to have something with me and I get something for you too."
"Thank you Engfa."
"It's nothing"

It was silence its wasn't awkward or anything it was actually peaceful until Engfa broke it.

"Btw you can just call me Eng, P'fa or whatever u comfortable with since we are going to be stepsisters now."
"Okay P'fa, then you can call me Char or N-"
I didn't even finish my sentence when she interrupted me saying
"I think I will call you bunny"
"Bunny? Why bunny?" I said surprised.
She chuckled and said
"I don't know you just look like a bunny"

I smiled at her softly. I have to admit I do look like a bunny, lot of people said this to me.

Engfa's pov:

Her smile is so cute u couldn't help but smile at the too. I don't know how I managed to think of that nickname, but it was the first thing that popped in my mind. She really looks like one.

After our small chat we decided to go sleep so I cleared Charlotte some space next to me.

I was first to lay down because Charlotte said she going to the bathroom real quick. I cuddle myself in my soft blanket with back turned to door. After few minutes she came back and I could feel her getting on the bed.

Charlotte's pov:

I went to bathroom real quick before going to bed so I won't go in night. When I came back I could see Engfa already cuddle up in her blanket with her back facing me.
"Goodnight P'fa" I said softly.
I thought she was already asleep, because she wasn't answering me but then
"Goodnight bunny" she said quietly

When I was about to fall asleep I heard some noise, it scared me. I could tell Engfa was already sleeping and I was getting scared more and more. I heard the noise again and tears began to flow down my cheeks.

In next moment I could feel Engfa putting arms around my waist half asleep saying something like "u don't have to be scared, I'm here with you bunny". I felt so safe in her arms that i fall asleep immediately.


Heyyyyy!!!! Little update again it's not much but hope u like it :) bye for now 👋🏻

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