Chapter 8: Good plans

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(At first I would like to apologise because I forgot to mention age of the characters. Engfa is 21 and Charlotte is 20, anygays lets go to the chapter.)

Charlotte's pov:

I woke up in the morning feeling really good, I didn't have this much sleep in my entire life. I looked at P'fa sleeping peacefully. She is really beautiful even when she is sleeping. Everything about her is perfect, her beautiful bare face, her eyes, her nose, her beautiful kissable lips, her smile, her body don't get me wrong but she really has a beautiful body, her gratitude, how she treats me, her mom and my dad. I feel really safe with her she is something like my safe zone I've never had.

I was admiring her beautiful face when my eyes stopped at her lips once again. That made me realise that I kissed her yesterday. She has really soft lips. I actually remember everything from yesterday because I didn't drink too much wine to be that wasted. I remember how I told her about the girl, my issues and cried on her. The girl I was telling her about was actually her, but I didn't wanted to tell her I like her right away. I really do like her, but I think that she doesn't feel the same. I am scared that if I tell her this she will be uncomfortable with me and I don't want it to happened.

I checked my phone and saw a text from dad

Dad: Darling we are at breakfast, can you and Engfa join us please, we wanna talk about our plan for today.
Me: Okay dad we will join you in 20 minutes.

After I send my text I get my phone down. Now it's time to wake P'fa up since we need to go down on breakfast. Still laying on P'fa top I slowly tap her shoulder to wake her up and surprise!! it didn't wake her up. I think she is a heavy sleeper once she is really asleep. Then something crossed my mind. I grabbed her face, kissed her lips and hide my face in her chest. I know I'm not dating her or anything but we did kiss so it's nothing bad to do it again right? After I kissed P'fa she wake up surprised.

Engfa's pov:

I felt something or someone kissed my lips. I wake up really surprised. Was it Charlotte? Or I am I hallucinating things? Before I could ask her about it she said.

"P'fa we have 15 minutes to get ready and go to breakfast with mom and dad." She said shyly hiding in my chest.
"Okay let's get ready then" I said.

Charlotte get up of my chest, get her clothes and went to the bathroom to change. I grabbed my phone and started playing my favourite game. After some minutes Charlotte came back from the bathroom ready to go. When she saw me she come to me and grabbed my phone making me lose my game!

"Nooo I lose because of you!!" I screamed at her. She flinched and I started to feel bit guilty because of it.
"P'fa we don't have time for this go get dressed" she said curiously not making eye contact with me I think I made her pissed off.
"Okay I will,  but give me back my phone" I said calming down trying not to make her more pissed.
"Here sorry for making you lose you can play later, but now we really don't have time" she said apologising.
"Thank you, I'm sorry for screaming at you"
"It's okay, I get it. If someone do it to me I will scream too, so don't worry." She said.

I grabbed my clothes going to change. I tried to make it quick as possible so Charlotte wouldn't be pissed more than she already is. I went out of the bathroom seeing her on phone. I cleared my throat signalling her that we can go.

*Fast forward*

After we ate mom and dad told us the plan for today.

"So girls todays plan is simple nothing big, we are just going to the beach and enjoy ourselves, because I know how much you like the sea." Mom said.
"Engfa I know you can't swim so we can get you someone to teach you or Charlotte can teach you herself if you want to" Dad said.
"I think I will take Charlotte as my teacher I don't really like people I don't know touch me or something" I said looking at Charlie.
"Okay, Charlotte will teach you then" he said smiled at me. I smiled back at him.

This is going to be really good day.

Hey!!! I'm really sorry for not updating but I didn't have much time since I have trainings and things to do. Thank you for understanding me and enjoy!! Byeeee have a good day!! 🫶🏼

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