Chapter 2: she is kind to me

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Engfa's pov:

When i saw her i didn't realise that's it's the girl my mom told me about. She is taller than me and have really pretty eyes.

When I was thinking about everything that just happened and how I'm going to apologise to the girl, when suddenly i received a message. It was from mom.

Mom: sweetheart can u come downstairs? I wanna talk to you.
Me: Yes mom, coming.

I was nervous right away. What she wanna talk about? Is she going to introduce me to Charlie and his daughter? So many thoughts were in my head that I didn't realised I wasn't near the kitchen were they all sit.

When I walked to the kitchen I could feel her eyes on me. I looked up and made eye contact with for few seconds before I looked away and blushed. I could feel my heart beating faster "what's wrong with me" I thought to myself I need to calm down.

"Oh hey baby Eng, can sit beside me please" my mom said so I seat beside her.
"This is my daughter Engfa that I told u about. Eng this is Charlie u already know him and this is his daughter"
"Hi Charlie nice to seeing you again" I said.
"Hello Engfa I'm gland to see you again too, this is my daughter Charlotte."
"Nice to meet you Charlotte" I said.
"Nice to meet you too Engfa" she said to me and we made eye contact once again. I was so lost in her eyes that I didn't hear my mom calling for me.

"Eng! Engfa!" She yelled at me.
"Yes, I'm sorry mom what is it?" I asked looking at her.
"I was asking you if you could show Charlotte her room please?"
"Yes mom, don't worry" I answered.

I stand up from my seat and Charlotte did the same, we started walking away. I was about to show Charlotte door to her room when noticed Charlotte wasn't with me. I started looking for her everywhere and before I know it she jumped out from behind the wall scaring the shit out of me.

"Aaaghhh!!" I screamed.
"Hahahahahaha" she laughed at me.
"Are you fucking kidding me I almost have a heart attack!" I was so pissed at her.
"Im sorry but you should see yourself" she was still laughing at me.

I turned around and started walking again not caring about her.

"Wait for me" she started running after me.  I turned around about to tell her to stop running so she doesn't hurt herself. In a blink I was on my back with her on top of me and her lips on mine.  My heart beat fast again.

When she realised what happened she immediately got up and stared apologising to me. I wanted to run to my room hide in my bed and never come back after this.

It was really awkward between us and I showed her the room and bathroom telling her if she needs anything she can knock on my door, then I went to my room.

In my Engfa's room:

I was in my bed hiding from everyone thinking about Charlotte and the incident that happened today. Charlotte is really pretty and cute, she really makes my heart beat fast it's actually scares me. Maybe I like her? What!? No that can't be she is you sister Engfa think straight?! The problem is that I'm not straight and no one told she would be this beautiful. "Fuck" I cursed what did I get myself into.

I looked at time on my nightstand and it was already midnight so I decided to go sleep but then I heard soft knock on my door.

I open it and guess who was there standing in her pyjamas and with teddy bear in her hands.

"Hey" she said shaking.
"Hey Charlotte, what's wrong?" I asked, she looked so scared.
"Umm.. can I sleep with you here today I saw a ghost video and now I'm scared to sleep in my room alone."

I looked at my king sized bed a then looked back at her.

"Well yes you can, but we need to get you your blanket and pillow."
"Really?" She looked at me like she didn't believed what I just said.
"Yes really, now please wait here I will get your things real quick "

New chapter is hereee!! It's kinda long hehe
Hope u like it :))

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