Chapter 12: 1st day girlfriends

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Engfa's pov:

I woke up in the morning feeling happy, because tell me who wouldn't be happy to have the prettiest girl in world sleeping in their arms? Exactly everyone and when I say everyone I really mean everyone wants to have her, but she is already mine so you are out of luck today guys.

Sorry not sorry.

To be honest I never knew that letting my mom meet someone new after my dad would bring so much happiness in my life. I'm not saying that I wasn't happy before, definitely no, but I think this is something I need and absolutely want in my life.

You know I could talk about my previous life and the one right now for hours but for now let's just go back to mine and Charlotte's first day of girlfriends.

Like I said in the start I woke up feeling happy but that changed like speed of light when I started to fell little pain in my stomach. I looked down and saw blood on the sheets. Fuck I totally forgot that I'm going to have my period in here. I need to wash the sheets later or tell the service to wash it.

I decided that I'm going to have a hot shower to clean myself and then try to order some food for me and Charlotte. I tried so hard not to wake her up since it was still pretty early in the morning and I know that Charlotte didn't sleep very well these couple nights.

After my successful attempt not to wake Charlotte up, (or she just through that it was successful), I went to the bathroom and get to the shower.

I was vibing to some song I turned to play, because tell me who doesn't like to sing in shower ( a/n: if you don't you are weird, my opinion sorry not sorry. Now let's get back to the story.)

So like I said I was vibing to the song that I didn't even notice that someone opened the door and went to the shower with me.

I felt someone wrapping their hands around me, I already know who it was because of that beautiful scent.

Charlotte placed a soft kiss on my neck and hugged me from behind.

"Did I wake you up?" Fuck I thought that I was careful enough not to wake her up.

"Maybe, but I don't mind since I can have shower with you now" she said still in her morning voice. Fuck that was really hot, she is making me little horny. It's a fucking shame that I got my period now fuck.

"Also you don't have to worry about the sheets I already take care of that" she continued.

"Babe you didn't have to do that, I could have done that myself, but thank you" I turned around and gave her a small peck on her lips.

"Now can you help me with my shower love?"
I was little stunned to speak, I didn't expect Charlotte be this bold, but I'm starting to really like it.

"With pleasure ma'am" I said and help her.

After we showered we ordered some food and just lay in bed looking at Netflix all day, since Charlotte didn't want me to do anything in case I would feel sick or be in so much pain because of my cramps.

I actually wanted to be active today but laying with my girl in my arms is so much better so I'm not complaining.

Hellloooo!!!! I almost forgot that I started writing a book, I'm sorry about it. Also I didn't have much time because school been really tough and trainings too, buuut here is something I just write so it's not edited so sorry for any mistakes. Thank you for understanding hope you enjoy!!!

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