Chapter 13: Little game

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Engfa's pov:

It's been few days since me and Charlotte started dating and I can tell you she is the best thing that ever happened to me and I'm really gland that she is in my life.

Also she started to get really bold with her actions.

Let me tell you about the one dinner that we had with our parents and where she turned into a really bold girl.


We were getting ready for dinner with our parents that night because they texted me that they want to have family dinner. We agreed to go because we haven't see them for few days now.

You must be wondering why I am I right?

It simple yes we are on a same vacation but we have different things to do and also we wanted them to have their privacy. So they have their time and we have ours.

When we were getting ready and I didn't pay much attention to Charlotte because I was busy picking my own outfit and that was a big mistake.

Because you know what let me tell you something Charlotte put on the most revealing dress I've ever seen. Don't get me wrong I really like it but I can't just let her go like this or I can and let everyone be jealous about how my girl is beautiful and sexy at same time.

Well I'm not insecure about myself or anything and I know she only loves me so I let her be.

She is looking so hot right now that might text our parents that we are not going because I feel sick or something.

"Babe you sure you wanna go to the dinner?" I said looking at her with my needy eyes.

"Yeah I'm pretty hungry and we didn't see our parents for long so yes I wanna go" she said completely avoiding my gaze and didn't even look at me.

Oh my I'm starting to feel like she is playing some games with me.

To be honest we still didn't "do it" because we just were busy or had girls problem if you get it but with Charlotte begin such tease I think she will be punished soon maybe even tonight.

I let my thoughts aside because if I keep thinking about it I would be turn on even more and we still wanna make it to the dinner. But I will get Charlotte later don't worry.

We are now about to arrive to the dinner. We enter the restaurant I booked for us and where lead to our table where we saw our parents already waiting for us.

"Hello mom and Charlie, are you waiting for long time?" I asked and greeted our parents.

"No sweetie don't worry we just just arrived here like you did." Thank god because I wouldn't like to keep them waiting for us.

"So how was your few days without us?" I asked my mom because I really wanna know how she been.

"It was great Charlie had the most amazing ideas what to do and I really enjoy our time together." I'm gland to hear that because I know that after my dad died she wasn't really herself and been depressed some time.

One time I even have to can psychiatrist for her because she nearly went crazy but now with Charlie and everything I can see that she is happy again and I don't have to worry about her.  Simply she is in good hands.

"I'm pleased to hear that mom." I answered and smiled at her.

After some chatting and choosing what do we want for dinner Charlotte started to behave differently, not in bad way but like she was trying to turn me on again. 

She was sitting right next to me and our parents were sitting across from us. She started to massage my left thing so I let her be because she does that literally all the time and just don't mind it at all. She then started to go lower and lower and didn't stop when I gave her a warning look. That wasn't for the first time she did something like this to me but I front of our parent? Like babe are you serious right now? Then I catch her hand and placed it on top of my thing again where it was laying before so she couldn't do anything anymore because I was holding her hand the whole time.

That upset her a little bit and I can see that on her face but boy I don't thing I would survive if I didn't catch her hand.

The most bad thing about it was that I was still speaking with my mom and Charlie when she did that so I tried really hard for them to not notice it but I think my mom did notice because she started smiling at me weirdly like she knows what's going on.

I excused myself for the bathroom and when I was away from our table I made sure to get Charlotte hit to come after me. I enter the bathroom and waited for Charlotte to come, I just hope she get the hint.

After like 2 minutes I hear soft knock on the bathroom door so I open the bathroom door and look who was it, it was no one else but Charlotte. Fuck that dress on her makes me really turn on.  She has really good figure and her curves make me wanna grab her and explore every corner of her perfect body.

Before she could say something I grabbed her, locking the door behind us and started kissing her. She was quick to kiss me back and the kiss started to turn from gentle to passionate real quick.

I slid my tongue in her mouth and she teasing sucked on it, making me moan quietly in pleasure, and move my hands to her hips so I could turn her and seat her at the sink.

She immediately wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me even closer to her and her fingers started tangling my hair while she continued to kiss me.

I could hear her breathing getting heavier with every kiss and after we couldn't breathe anymore we pulled away. We were both breathing heavily and have our foreheads against each other.

"What was thy for?" She asked still not breathing normally.

"For being such a taste and trying to turn me on when our parents are watching." I said and smile at her.

"What are you talking about I didn't do anything." She said smiling and clearly lying.

"Oh baby don't lie I know you did that on proposes" I know she just wanted to play with me a little.

"Yeah maybe I did and what are you gonna do about it, punish me?" She said boldly.

I leaned closer to her ear and softly kissed it before whispering ."No because you would enjoy that but I will think about something else don't worry."

The I pulled away from her and said. "Adjust yourself baby so we can have this dinner done and then go home for your punishment."

She quickly jumped from the sink adjusting herself in the mirror.

After we were adjusted we went out from the bathroom and went to our table like nothing happened.

And there I end it :)
Hello!!! How are you doing y'all ??? Here is the chapter I promised and I hope you will like it. Also I'm sorry for not posting but I don't have much time to write right now so it little bit thought but I will try to make some time for writing this story!!! Again thank you for reading and have a great dayyy!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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