Chapter 6: Way to family trip

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Engfa's pov:

When I had packed all my things I went downstairs again. Charlotte was already there with all her stuff. Mom told me to take my stuff downstairs too so I did. We put everything in the car and were ready to go.

I was seated at back and Charlotte was there with me. The ride is going to be long like 5 hours, so I decided to go sleep. I was really tired I didn't have much sleep the days before Charlotte and Charlie moved with us. I usually take sleeping pills but they don't really help me to sleep.

Charlotte's pov:

I was in the car siting back with Engfa she was really fast asleep and I just couldn't sleep. It's was impossible for me to find good position to sleep in, so I just simply laid on her lap. I hope she don't mind it, because I'm so comfortable now and don't want to move.

Back to Engfa's pov:

I was sleeping until I felt someone laid on my lap. I know it was Charlotte and I didn't mind it at all. I looked at her and saw she was about to fall, so I moved her closer to me and hugged her. Mom and Charlie were doing their own things and didn't cared about it since they were happy to see us close and comfortable with each other since we are sisters now.

I was about to go sleep again when I felt her hands making their way to my hips. When I open my eyes to look at her I saw her already looking at me.

"What's wrong bunny?" I asked.
"Nothing I just wanted to make sure you are comfortable as much as me." She replied making me smile at her.
"I'm fine bunny, you can go back to sleep" I said and poke her nose.

And before she went back to sleep she grabbed my hand and kissed it. I think she wanted to say "thank you" or something. I smiled about it and went to sleep too thinking about Charlotte.

*After three hours*

We are now going to have break to eat and specially for Charlie, because he's been driving all three hours straight. I was awake quite a while now listening to music with my air pods and Charlotte is still sleeping on my lap like a baby she is.

We stopped on some parking lot. When I looked out of my window I could see that there are some fast food restaurants and mostly just clothing stores. That actually gave me a great idea.

I asked mom if I could go to one of the clothing stores. She said that I can but, I must be back in time so we can go.

After that I gently wake Charlotte up and tell her that I need to go to the shop for something. She wanted to go with me, but I stopped her and tell her to go with mom and get me something to eat since we last ate our breakfast.

*at the shop*

I was looking for something that I could have same or matching with Charlotte. I didn't know if I want some jewellery or T-shirt or something. I was about to give up but then I saw matching Nike hoodies and I just knew I have to get them. After I paid for it I went back to the car. I noticed only Charlie was here so mom and Charlotte haven't returned yet. That was actually good for me so I could hide the hoodies before Charlotte see them.

Charlotte's pov:

I was with Amanda waiting for our food. I actually wasn't sure what P'fa would want to eat so I just get her the same food as me. When the waiter get us our food we paid and thanked him. Engfa was already in the car when me and Amanda  returned back.

I sit in the car and gave Engfa her food since I know she is hungry and so am I.

"What did you get me bunny?" She asked me.
"Well I didn't know what so you want so I get you the same food as I have". I said.
"Wow that taste really good"
"Yeah I know right" i chuckled and said.

Then we ate in silence. After we were finished eating we cleaned everything and went to do our own things. Engfa had her headphones on and was listening to music I guess and I was still sleepy so I decided to go sleep more. When I was about to lean on the window so I can sleep Engfa asked me if I want to lay on her lap again. I didn't know what to say and it will be rude to say no so I said I would love to and laid on her lap once again. She hugged me I hugged her and went to sleep.

Engfa's pov:

I didn't wanted her to feel uncomfortable leaning on the window so I asked her if she wants to sleep on my lap again. I don't mind it and she is really cute when she sleeps.

She laid on my lap and I hugged her she hugged me back and went to sleep. I was playing with her soft hair thinking about the week ahead and of course listening to music as always. 

So new chapter is hereeee!!!!!! Enjoy 😉 I hope u like it. I'm sorry for posting it late I didn't have much time since I started with trainings. Well
That's all for now. Good bye and have a happy day!!!❤️

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