Chapter 10: Nightmare

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Engfa's pov:

I wake up and looked at the clock. It was 6 in the morning and outside was still dark. Charlotte was laying on my chest still soundly asleep. I was thinking about telling her my feelings for her. I just don't want to hide it anymore and to be honest I think it pretty obvious that I like her.

But what if it's too early to say that? Or maybe she still doesn't see me the same?

All my thoughts were interrupted when I felt Charlotte move. I looked down at my chest seeing her still asleep. I have to say that she didn't looked good. It looked like she was having some nightmare. She started to cry and tried to get herself out of my embrace.

I gently shook her trying to wake her up. When she opened her eyes and looked at me I could see something in her eyes. She looked terrified.

Now I know that she was scared of me. I tried to go closer to her, but she just went farther from me. Then she went out of the bed.

I went out of the bed too. I took a step closer so I could hug her and make her feel better, but she took step backwards. I was feeling really sad, but it didn't stop me. I was walking towards her and she started to moved backwards again.

Charlotte's pov:

"Stop don't come near me!" I screamed at her. Im scared that she will hurt me like in the dream. Mom please make her stop I'm scared. I started to  cried even harder.

"No! Don't come near I warn you!" Please stop just stop coming to me. I closed my eyes because I was scared really bad.

When she reached me she hugged me. I tried to get out of her embrace and run away, but she was stronger than me.

"Please don't hurt me please" i said quietly, panicking and crying more.

"Shhh bunny it's okay I will never hurt or anything I promise " P'fa said trying to make me believe her.

My hands stared shaking and couldn't breath. I started to have panic attack.

"P'fa I can't breath, h-help me" I managed to get out of myself.

"It will be alright just breath with me okay deep breath, hold and exhale. Now again bunny you are doing really good."

After some minutes It started to get better I calmed down and my hands weren't shaking anymore. I was still crying about everything that happened, but It didn't matter anymore. What matter was that I felt safe.

"Felling better bunny?" P'fa asked me. She is really good with things like this. She always knows how to make me feel better and safe.

"Y-yeah, can we stay like this longer please?" I asked hopping that she would say yes.

"Only if you comfortable and fine with it. I don't want you to start running away from me again."

I didn't wanted to make her upset about saying no to her or trying to run away from her again. I wanted her to know that I trust her so I said.
"I am, I will never run away again." 

Hey!!!! Here is new chapter I know it's little short and I promise I will get you double update. The second chapter will be updated tomorrow. For now enjoy and see you tomorrow. (Well tomorrow in my time barrier, idk if we have the same or no)
Goodbyeeee lovesssss!!!!❤️‍🩹

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