Chapter 5: Family trip

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Charlotte's pov:

After I was done with my morning routine I went downstairs. I could see dad and Amanda already here preparing breakfast. It smelled so good.

"Good morning my love, how was your sleep?" Dad asked me like every morning.
"Good morning dad, It was great" I said and smiled at the memory of me cuddling with Engfa.
"I'm gland you slept well, Me and Amanda have a surprise for you and Engfa"
"Really? What is it?"
"Oh sweetie you have to wait until Engfa comes down to eat too" Amanda said making me feel more exited about the surprise.
"Umm mom where can I sit?" I asked because I wasn't sure were to sit.
"You can sit here sweetie" Amanda said clearly in little shock because of what I said. I nodded in respond and smile at her, she smile back at me.

I was sitting there about five minutes when I saw Engfa going downstairs. She noticed I was looking at her and wink at me. That made me smile and blush. I must admit she have this special effect on me and I don't know how to describe it.

Before I could say anything to her Amanda already saw her too and said.
"Good morning Eng, did you sleep well?
"Good morning mum, I sleep really really well."
She answered her and looked at me teasingly.

I couldn't help but blushed again. Gosh what is she doing to me? Do I like her or what? What Charlotte Austin!! U don't like girls!! Get in your sense right now!!! I scolded myself. Well it's true I am straight or maybe... no definitely straight.

Amanda tell Engfa to go sit beside me and honestly I was gland that I can sit beside her so my dad can sit beside his girlfriend and get his time with her.

After everyone was seated, we started to eat our breakfast. It was so delicious, I haven't have so delicious breakfast since my mom died. We ate quietly when dad and Amanda started to speak and i knew they ate going to tell as about the surprise!!! I love surprises so much!!!

"So girls we have a surprise for you" dad said.
"Since you are now stepsisters we decided to take you to family trip at beach. We will be there for a week so please bring everything you need and bikini especially." Amanda said.
"You can go pack after we finish our breakfast." Dad added to Amanda's sentence.

Me and Engfa were both really surprised. I really love beaches, it's like my second home and I could be there for hours.

Engfa's pov:

I was really surprised about the family trip. I should say I really hate surprises but this was the best surprise ever. I will see the sea and sunset in the beach and Charlotte in bikini!!! wait.... Charlotte in bikini???? I need to stop thinking about this she is probably not even gay like me.

After our breakfast I went to help mom with the dishes and Charlotte was talking with Charlie about something. Then she went upstairs to pack her stuff.

While we were doing the dishes mom asked me:

"what was with the wink at Charlotte in the morning?" I honestly thought no one saw me do it only Charlotte.
"It was nothing mom don't worry"
"Eng you can tell me if you like her you know that, I won't be mad, she is not your real sister after all" I was really surprised mom said that.
"To be honest I don't know mom, she makes my heart beat faster and all these stuff but I don't think she feels the same or is like me"
"You never know Eng maybe she will fall for you even if she is straight"
"Maybe there is a chance but only 1%, and what about Charlie? what if he finds out?" I asked because I don't want Charlie to hate me or something he is really nice guy.
"Don't worry about Charlie I told him about you begin gay and he is totally fine with it"

That made feel really good because my dad never accepted me for being gay he would  beat me sometimes when I got some girl into the house even if it was just a friend of mine. Now that he is dead I don't have to be afraid, but I really miss him sometimes.

Honestly I really love my mom she is so understanding and always helps me out, she knows everything about me and I always tell her everything, because she will never judge me or something.

"Really Eng don't worry about it, he likes you and told me that Charlotte had a boyfriend before but he didn't treat her right, he would abuse her sometimes. And he even told me that he wants someone like you for Charlotte"

I didn't know what to say to her. I was in shock that I didn't even know that Charlie came to the kitchen. When I notice him a said "thank you" to mom and went upstairs to pack my stuff.

This is going to be really hard time me trying to resist Charlotte and her body in bikini but I'm Engfa Waraha I can do it. 

Heeeeeyy!!!!! New chapter is hereeee it's something different than the first ones, but I hope u like it. If you don't understand something you can just text me to comments and I will try to explain it to you. I'm sorry for misspelled word,  as I said English is not my first language. I witted this at night really sleepy so I am so sorry if it doesn't make sense. Bye for noww!! Have a sweet day!!❤️‍🩹

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