Chapter 11: Walking on the beach

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Still Charlotte's pov:

After the incident we just cuddled again. I told P'fa everything about my dream and she said that I don't have to be afraid because she will never hurt me like this. I know I don't have to be scared because believe her and trust her but at the moment I saw her when I woke up my mind went blank and all I cloud thing about was my ex boyfriend hurting me.

I have to admit I still have little trauma from it. My dad knows about it. He actually knows everything about me, we have really great relationship together. I can go to him whenever I'm sad, hurt or having a bad day he will always make me feel better. I'm really gland that I have him.

Now it's 8 in the morning. Me and P'fa are still cuddling in our bed. I think we should go to the breakfast soon because I hear P'fa stomach growls. To be honest I'm starting to get little hungry too.

"Do you want to go have breakfast?" I hope she say yes or I'm dragging her out of the bed.

"Yes please I'm starving" she said and point at her stomach.

"Then let's get dressed" I'm gland I don't have to drag her out of the bed. Don't get me wrong I'm strong but I know that she is much stronger than me.

We got dressed and went to the breakfast.

*Fast forward after breakfast*

"So what do we do now?" I asked because I have no idea what to do today.

Mom and dad went somewhere just by themselves and left us here since we are old enough to take care of ourselves.

"We can go swim like tomorrow or we can just be lazy all day" she said smiling at me.

"I like the idea of being lazy but I don't think it's the best idea to be lazy all day. Let me think about something for the afternoon. Hmmmm... what about we go to gym then to the pool we have in hotel agree?" I think it's good idea to workout little bit since I want to be more fit.

"I agree but only in one condition" fuck I don't like how this sounds but I still agreed.

"Okay what is it?" I hope it's not something bad. Let's pray together.

"Since you already made our plan for the afternoon I can make our plan for the evening and it can be anything I want." Well that doesn't sound that bad but I don't like the smirk she is giving me. Honestly why not do it, it could be something fun to do.

"Okay why not, I agree" I know she tried to tease me by saying that. I'm not that easy to get so try me P'fa.

*fast forward after the workout at gym*
(a/n: I'm just lazy to write it so don't go after me thanks ;) )

We were at gym for like 3 hours I was doing my own exercises and P'fa did hers.

Now it's time for us to go relax at the pool. We already have our swimsuits on and every thing we need.

The pool was little cold and good for relax. I was swimming enjoying myself and P'fa was sitting on the edge of the pool watching me.

I swam to steps and climbed out of the pool trying to look hot as possible for someone to enjoy the show. I can say someone really enjoyed it.

With smirk on my face I came to P'fa and seat beside her.

"So did already diced what are we gonna do after this?" I hope it's not anything bad. Honestly I want just lay in bed and do nothing but I promised her that we will do whatever she wants.

"Yes I did. Since you choose exercise and then swimming pool for relaxing, I will follow the relaxing part and choose to watch movie in our room. I will tell you the next plan after we are done watching the movie." Omggg yessss!!! That sounds really good and I can lay in my comfy bed. Still I'm wondering about why we gonna do after.

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