Chapter 16: Headmaster's Announcement

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          "You all did very well today." Lilac said. "However, Shell and River, you two need to work on your water entry."

                     "Ok." Shell replied.

         "Hey Shell, do you wanna come over to my castle after school so we can work on that?" River asked.

                           "Um, sure." Shell replied.

                              "Great." River said. "Oh, and don't worry I have a pool."

                                   "I was curious, to be honest." Shell replied as everyone left the classroom.

                                     "Shimmer, I need to talk to you." Lilac said.

                                         "Ok." Shimmer replied. "What is it?"

             "I want you to keep working on your dolphin dive." Lilac replied. "You almost got it down."

                                              "Oh, ok." Shimmer said. "See you tomorrow."

                                               "Bye, Shimmer." Lilac replied. "I wanna see progress."

                                                  "You will." Shimmer said as she left the classroom.

                                                                    ~Time Skip~

                                         "Hi, Shimmer." Popsicle said as he saw her at her locker. "Need some help?"

                                                            "Oh. Hello, Popsicle." Shimmer replied. "Nah, I'm good."

                                                                 "Oh, ok." Popsicle said.

            As soon as the words left his mouth, the headmaster's voice came over the loudspeaker. 

          "Attention students, I know that for some of you it is your first time here at Royal Academy. So, to properly welcome you, there will be a ball held the school at the end of the week. You all are welcome to attend. That is all. Have a nice day." Headmaster Hagenbrok announced.

                                                   "Hey, Shimmer." Popsicle said. "Do you wanna go to the ball with me?"

There was no response. Popsicle turned around only to noticed that Shimmer was already gone.

Popsicle sighed. "I guess I'll ask her tomorrow." He then joined up with his sister and went home.

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