Bon Fire Confession

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The Bon Fire

Hanni's POV

I love this event at our school, it's a festive day gathering all blue bloods together and the doors are not closed for other schools. They are welcomed as well. It's simple but memorable.

I enjoyed the rest of the afternoon, did I mention the Carnival? Gosh I had so much fun and I enjoyed it so much because I was with Chan. Although Dani was busy today because she was organizing her booth, she promised she'll meet with me later and Minji. Whose shadow cannot be seen the whole day. Wonder where she is.

Like I said, I enjoyed my day being around with Chan was fun but there was a moment when I had to pause and think that something is missing. I know I like him, but I'm still puzzled and I don't know why. I couldn't grasp what I was looking for.

But I am determined that before this day ends, I would experience those intoxicating kiss with him again.

Chan: Hanni, i think that's Danielle. (He pointed at the person running towards us)

I got a little startled when Dani came rushing towards us

Hanni: Why are you in a hurry Dani?

Dani: Wait.. Let me catch my breath first...

I just looked at her and wondered why she was running even though she clearly hates it even jogging.

Dani: Unnie....

Hanni: What is it?

Dani: Not you..

Hani: Huh?

Dani: Minji Unnie

Hanni: What happened to her? Where is she?( I started to panic)

Dani: You're overreacting unnie! Hahahah. She said that she wanted you to meet her in the field.

Hanni: Huh? Why?

Dani: I don't know, it looks like she's gonna say something to you.. Hmmm why don't you go already? Goo! ( She pushed me indicating that I go to the field already)

Hanni: Why do you look so giddy?

Dani: Don't mind me unnie. Hey ghost. You stay here!

Chan looked at her.

Chan: Sorry but I can't do that.. I'm ordered to be with her always..

"Sweet". I said to myself

Dani: Tssskk! You'll ruin the moment.(She whispered)

I didn't hear the last words though.

Hanni: What's that Dani?

Dani: Nothing unnie. Hurry up, Minji unnie is waiting for you.

Hanni: Alright! Let's meet later okay.

I walked away waving goodbye to her and headed to the field. I wonder why Minji wants us to meet suddenly.


Minji's POV

I was pacing back and forth. Unsettled if this is what I really want and if I'm really gonna go through this. Fck! Deep Fckery!

Yujin: Relax dude! It's going to be fine!

Minji: Fine?! What if not?

Yujin: You move on.

Minji: wha...what?

I was shocked. Suddenly a scenario played in my mind. Rejection! Shit!

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