Part 58

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This year pride month is so fun because all their siblings come back home and join the parade at the main town while wearing a matching shirt. They take a lots of pictures, eat, dancing, and do some makeup "this year is a very special year for me" say Noel "me too, i never felt this way before" say Arjun "i know right, our kids really amazing" say Chanthira "i'm happy to show them about this pride and i like that they get along with others kids too" say Audryna.

Four of them look at their kids with smile who is busy talking with other kids at their table. Someone knock their table "hey guys" say Tristan "happy pride month family" say Pierce. Four of them smile when their friends is join them "thank you Pier, how's you guys day?" ask Arjun "amazing, but yours is more fun" reply Pierce. Audryna put her arm around Chanthira and pull her close "then, you two should get marry and have a kid like we do" Pierce and Tristan smile "we will but not now because tobhave a family is another big step after got married" replied Tristan.

Pierce nod his head agreed with Tristan, Chanthira smile "you are right about that, we also didn't prepare anything and once we got married we immediately want a kid" Chanthira glance at her children "it's not easy but as long as we work together we can do it" Audryna hold Chanthira hands harder. Noel lean on Arjun "tell me, how was it back then" curious Pierce. They all smile together "it was rough, we have to find donate sperms and Arjun and Noel need surrogate mother but they couldn't find one" say Audryna.

"So, Ryna told me about this and i told her about ours and then we come with this crazy ideas of having each other kids" say Arjun. Tristan and Pierce eyes more focus on their story "we met and discuss about we give our sperms and we will raise the children together" ended of the story. Tristan and Pierce look at their friends and hug them all together "you guys did a great job on raising them and look they all grown up and healthy" they nodded.

Pierce lool at Noel "how's their school environment? Did they curious about your relationship?" ask Pierce "of course they are especially our oldest son, he ask quite a lot of questions because he is very curious about everything" say Chanthira "i still remember he ask us when he was 6, he asked why i have 2 mom and 2 dad?" say Audryna "we said why not, you don't like it?" "i like it but i'm really your son right?". That time everyone is shocked by his questions "of course baby, why you ask this question?" say Arjun "my friends they wonder i have so many mom and dad, they say maybe you guys adopted me or divorced".

"Our heart that time is really hurt to see and know that our son handling this kind of questions" say Noel "but we try slowly explain to him and show him about it step by step" say Chanthira "when we have the twins things getting more easy because our smart son guide his twins sibling very well" say Audryna. Pierce wipe away his tears with thw tissue that Tristan gave him "your journey is really beautiful and you guys really did it" say Pierce.

They all laugh "aww, don't cry because we come here to have fun and meeting like this really help us more by listening to other gay dad's and lesbian mom's advice and tips" say Noel "true, turn out we been through the same thing and we share about our parenting style too" say Audryna "without them, maybe we won't able to make it" say Arjun.

Few days later, at school "hai Nalin" greet Kayden when he see Nalin just arrived "hai, you early today" Aydin look at Kayden "where are you going?" "to find others at our usual place why?" ask Aydin "can i join?" "why?" "why not?". Nalin look at both Aydin and Kayden let out a heavy sigh "babe please not here, you can come let's go hurry" Nalin take Aydin hand and hold it tight "be patient babe, just ignore him okay" Aydin nod his head.

They finally found their friends and take a seat "okay, i see new face" say Jasmine sarcastically "hai guys" greet Kayden with a big smile "i hope you don't mind i join you guys today" "you already here and there's nothing we can do about it" say Avery. Nalin seat in the middle between Kayden and Aydin "do you come today for the practice?" aso Kayden to Nalin "no, i have dance practice" "oh, i see" Aydin smirk.

That evening at dance room "Luna, can i go to toilet?" Luna nod her head "yeah sure, but be hurry" Nalin smile. On her way back to the dance room she bump to Kayden on the way "hai" Kayden say with smile "hai, how's training?" "exhausted, finally got some break" "i see, gotta go see you later" "Nalin wait, did you go back home with Aydin today?" "absolutely yes, why?" "i thought we could go back home together" "you know my house is far from yours right? Plus your house is right in front of the school" Kayden smile shyly.

Kayden stroke his hair to the back "i just want some time to talk with but you always occupied by Aydin and your friends" "you can just say so, you don't have to worry about Aydin and my friends because they just protect me" "but you are not a kid" "i don't mind because i like it how we protect each other" Kayden silent "anyway, talk to you later because i'm late now" Nalin running rushly leaving Kayden behind. After finish his training he wait at the dance room for Nalim to come out.

He already checked that Aydin will be finish little bit late so he grab this chance to talk more to Nalin. At that time the door is open "bye Philly, see you tomorrow and bye Luna thank you for today" "you're welcome dear, you did great job today" say Luna. Nalin is looking for Aydin then she see Kayden is in front instead of Aydin. Kayden wave his hand to Nalin "why are you here?" "my training finish early and i just thinking maybe i could meet you here".

Nalin shook her head "you should go home if you finish early not sitting around here" "why not? Aydin is still not here" "even if he is not here i will go to him" "then let me company you" "you really never listen, fine do whatever you want" Kayden jump in happiness. Nalin walk to Aydin practice place "i like you" Kayden suddenly confess make Nalin stop walking "i'm sorry what did you just said?" "i like you and you still didn't answer me whether or not you didn't have any feelings towards me".

Nalin roll her eyes "i like you too but that's it" "then why can we be together?" "i still need time and i like things between us right now" "why don't we try to be together?" "i have a grade to focus on more than dating with anyone right now" "i can teach you, what subject that hard for you?" Nalin sigh "urgh god, you really annoying" Kayden smile "but handsome and yiu can resist me" Nakin laugh "let's take things slow okay, let's just follow the flow" Kayden smile happily "okay then if you say so".

They arrived at Aydin practice place "we have arrived and you can go now" "can i chat you later?" "not after 8" Kayden celebrating "alright, see you soon bye" Nalin smile. Few minutes later Aydin finished his practice "water and towel babe" Aydin take the towel to wipe off his sweat and drink the water "i saw you and Kay early, why is he with you?" "he wait at dance room just want to talk and i said i have to go to see you here and he followed me here".

Aydin raised his eyesbrows "what you guys talk about?" "nothing much, he just want to be close because he like me and he wamt to know if i still like him" "are you Lin?" Nalin silence for a moment. Nalin look at Aydin "i don't know Dinley, being around him is good" "you still have feelings for him for sure Lin, so you guys dating?" "no.... We just friend and try to get to know each other slowly more" "not yet for now but one day you will".

Nalin stand up and hug Aydin "don't worry, if anything happens i have you to kill him and our gang too" Aydin laugh "yiu right, he better treat you good" "yeah, i never keep secret from you and if he hurt me i will let you know" Aydin smile "that's my girl" Aydin kiss Nalin head before releasing it to go change and go back home together. After that day, Kayden and Nalin keeo on chatting with each other more after school.

Without realizing it they become more and more close until one day at cafeteria "Nalin, do you want to be my girlfriend?" ask Kayden in front of their friends. Nalin is shocked and her spoon fall "pardon me" say Jasmine "you heard it right, i want to ask your friends permission to be your boyfriend what you say?". Everyone eyes is looking at Nalin "yes..." Kayden scream and he hug and pick Nalin up while hugging her.

Everyone at the cafeteria cheers on them "are you serious Nally?" ask Avery "yes, if anything happens you can kill him Ave because i won't stop you" "are you okay with this Henley?" ask Dean "it's her decision, i'm happy for her that's all i can do for her" Aydin look at Nalin and smile Ben tap Aydin shoulder "you are right, i hope that Jefferson took a good care of our princess" Aydin nod his head slow. Even though right now Nalin is dating with Kayden, she never leave Aydin and always stay by his side.

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