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It was dark again when I woke up.

I didn't really know if I was awake, because I had been swimming in darkness for the past three hours in my mind.

I wiggled my fingers, making sure everything still worked, when I noticed a tube taped to my hand.

I shuddered and tried not to picture the needle it took to break my skin.

I lifted my head, but my head swam so hard that I just laid back.

"Easy." Dad whispered somewhere in the darkness.

A lamp flipped on in the corner, and I shielded my eyes from the brightness of the bulb.

That sound triggered everyone to come in. Suddenly it wasn't just me and my dad. It was everyone.

I noticed Mom in particular, slink into a corner with an unrecognizable face. It was so was hard to even tell that was actually my mother.

"You had me terrified kid." Jacob was the first one to break the silence. "Don't you ever do that to me again."

"Sorry." I whispered. "It was... ...unexpected."

He chuckled a soft laugh and kissed my forehead.

Luckily, he didn't find the meaning behind all the glares from the rest of the family as he held my hand.

All Jacob did was stare at me as if I was his whole entire world. The only purpose he had to go on living. I felt exactly the same way about him, but I never saw this look, one so extreme, to see that the thought had been reciprocated.

I touched his cheek, allowing the memories flow through my fingertips. The last thing I needed right now was a werewolf to get all weepy on me.

"How are you feeling?" Grandpa asked me as Jacob closed his eyes to watch what I was showing him.

"A lot better. Thanks." I smiled.

"No more pain?"

"No. It's pretty much gone. My stomach is a little sore though."

"Well that's understandable. You did throw up pretty much everything you've ever ate." Alice laughed.

A wave of growls flowed through the air. "Too soon for jokes?" Alice mumbled.

"I think I'd feel a lot better if this needle was out of my hand." I winced.

I was surprised when Dad started laughing. "You're just like Bella."

I smiled back.

As my hand slipped from Jacob's face, he started to laugh too. "Maybe Bella runs a little more in you than we thought."

I glanced at Mom who stood immovable in the corner.

"I'll get the needle out in an hour or so. I want to make sure that you're better first." Grandpa assured me.

"Can I at least go watch TV or something?" I inquired.

"That's probably not the best idea. Just rest for one hour more and I'll come check on you, alright?"

I sighed and nodded. "Hey! I'll be here! I'm all the entertainment you need!" Jacob smiled.

After Grandma kissed my forehead, Grandpa left with her. Jasper patted my shoulder and Alice gave me a hug before they disappeared.

All that were left were my parents and Jacob, and I had a feeling I wasn't going to shake them so easily. Not that I wanted to of course, but I hated the unspoken tension.

"So..." I breathed slowly trying to think of something to talk about. "How's the pack war coming along?"

I jumped when Jacob burst out with a laugh. Dad smiled along with him.

"Glad I could lighten the mood." I sighed.

"Did you know how scared we were?" a meek voice whispered from the corner.

I turned to stare at Mom. The laughs choked off.

"I know Mom. I'm sorry to have scared you."

"If something would have happened...If we lost you..." she trailed off. Her voice was fiercer when she spoke again. "I never would have forgiven myself."

"Don't say that." I frowned deeply. "If anything were to happen to me it surely wouldn't be your fault."

"It would probably be mine." Jacob joked. I giggled, but Mom just glared at him as if he had just stabbed me.

"You think this is a joke?" Mom hissed.

"Of course I don't Bella. You're overreacting! I just would like to shed some light on your miserable attitude so Renesmee doesn't feel bad!"

She narrowed her eyes, full of hate.

"I'm better now Mom. Grandpa even said so. Please don't fight with Jacob." I frowned.

Mom didn't answer. Jacob didn't either.

I frowned at the next hour of awkwardness I was about to face.

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