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Dad didn't get home until late that night, and I was already in bed. I woke up early the next morning and ran outside with my pajamas still on.

I raced over to the tree and got the new, fresh-smelling letter.

                                 Good Morning! How'd you sleep? I wish I was there. Edward talked to the                                                Cullen's again last night. Blondie said she kept our note passing a secret. Edward                                  said that he was starting to understand our side, but their decision was still                                            pretty permanent. Seems like Bella's more temperamental as an immortal.

                                 I won't be at the Cullen house anymore. Billy misses me so I'm going back to La                                    Push for a couple days. I'll write you after I get back.

                                Love you. Miss you.


A snap of a branch made me jump to my feet and turn around.

Dad was standing there, arms folded, and scowling.

"Dad!" I squeaked. "I can explain-"

He raised his hand to stop me. "Your mom is getting dressed so we can go hunting. You better get dressed before she notices you're gone."

"You're not...mad?" I frowned.

"Of course not." He sighed. "I know that you probably think our decision is ridiculous, but I understand the pain you're going through. A letter from Jacob isn't serious. I do appreciate, however, that you aren't fighting us on this."

"When will I get to see him?"

"I'm not quite sure yet. It's just a matter of convincing Mom." Dad said. "She's very protective of you but we both love you very much."

"Jacob does too." I pointed out.

He nodded. "I understand your frustration, but now's not the time to discuss this. Please go get dressed."

I frowned and did as he asked.


"We're sticking to the North hunting ridge up in the mountains." Dad explained, taking Mom's hand.

"Can I go hunting by myself?" I inquired.

Mom shot me a panicked look.

"How about at least 100 feet away from you? Please?" I begged.

Dad squeezed Mom's hand. "She has been seeing a lot of us these days. 100 feet isn't that bad."

"Thank you." I smiled.

I was surprised they let me. I knew how protective they were over me. Letting me hunt 100 feet from them was saying they trusted me.

"Fine. Stay close." Mom scowled.

We took off running, letting instincts dictate our bodies. We had run over 2 miles before we caught a strong scent.


My parents split off, allowing me to take the other scent leading into the mountains.

I was chasing after it, when an idea struck me.

Yes, I would blow their trust, but I couldn't take not seeing Jacob anymore.

I ran through the trees, heading towards the Black's house in La Push. I pushed myself faster and faster, feeling my hear race and my lungs kick into overdrive.

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