The Escape

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The room had only one window , it was the only thing that brought light into it, that made Inara Vensik realize there was light.
The moon was appreciated by her depending on the night.
She was stuck at the Menagerie and couldn't do anything but wait until death welcomed her.
She always left her body behind and hid her soul in the moonlight.

Refusing to have less value by night and night until what was left was only the soulless body of hers.
But she would look up and examine the dark corners of the room, then her eyes would trail along the edges of the walls, then she would glance at the dirty and dusty shelves, her mind would be always blank.

The books on it were few and old and never touched by anyone.
Inara could hear the bed creaking beneath her, she hated it.
The heavy breathing from a customer above her, they were mostly old and lonely, sometimes what made them more disgusting was them having an alive wife with children. She thought she was weak as tears would always build in her eyes , but she knew what would happen if she spilled those precious tears , she would end up with a red back and bruises all over, as if the inside wounds the world caused were not enough. Inara knew she was not the only one , but her body being used for three years made her feel unworthy of everything , she did not feel alive but a soul trapped in a corpse and still she waited. 

She either waited for death to rescue her or waited for her beloved parents , who have been stripped away from their beloved daughter , who was once a teenager , now almost nineteen . 

She knew this girl , who had her same long , thick dark hair , Inej Ghafa , she does not see her as often as she found someone who helped her from this hell kind of life , Inej would sometimes show up unexpectedly near the window and even if Inara could not see her friend , she sensed her , always. They would talk , Inej made promises Inara knew the girl could not keep but it was comfort and reassurance instead of hope , and if that was the limit of what Inara could feel , then she cherished it . 

The man on top noticed Inara looking elsewhere "Look at me, girl" he said angrily as if looking at him would make a difference.
So, slowly she did and looked straight at his forehead, knowing his eyes held no life and dignity.
She prayed, Saints, please help me, let this be over.
And as if the Siants heard her request and accepted he slid off of her and begin to dress, Inara kept the blanket covering her body, the man who she did not care to know the name instructed her to stand up, he looked at her up and down "Come here, keep that thing on the bed" he spat, her hands shook, not wanting to let go off the blanket as she felt it was her only defense.
"You dirty little whore, come here" he pointed to the ground, she walked closer until she could feel his disgusting breathing on her face "The next time, be more of what you are, okay?".
She did not know why but he slapped her hard enough to keep her cheek burning for minutes.

Not matter what she did after those hours, she could not get rid of what seemed a layer of dirty skin, she washed and washed her body but it made no difference.
Frustrated, she grabbed the sheets and threw them on the floor and sat on the only part of the untouched bed.
Now the tears were spilled, now she could feel her heart beating fastly, she looked up to find the window open, letting fresh air through.
She looked around and found Inej stood there, she slowly approached her and Inara stood immediately hugging the girl and let a few sobs escape as Inej held onto her tightly no words escaping her lips.
Inej did not break away from the hug as they both spoke.
"I can help you".

"You can't risk your life just to help me, Inej."

Inej unwrapped her arms and placed both of her hands on Inara shoulder looking at her in the eye.
"You are family to me, Inara Vensik. Whether you like it or not I will and want to help you. You have been here longer than I have and I think you being her for nearly four years is enough. I have found a way.
This man, Kaz Brekker, will help you keep Tante Heleen out of your way. "
Inej said it so confidently Inara for once had hope.

"  Kas Brekker doesn't even know me, how do you know he wi-"
She heard about Kaz Brekker, Inej would visit her and talk.

" He knows me. Put these on and let's go".
Inara did not smile, at least not yet.
She grabbed the clothes from Inej's hands, she turned aways and Inara took her clothes off to wear these.
It was similar to what Inej was wearing.
The boots were different but comfortable, and as she finished she spoke "Thank you, Inej".

"You helped me when I arrived, it is only fair I help you, my friend".

Inara remembered when she spoke with Inej fro the first Time, Inara was half Suli and half Ravkan, she knew both languages and spoke to Inej in Suli.
They began speaking when they had the chances to, Inara used to live  where Inej did, both trained acrobats and both stripped away from their family.
They found comfort in one another and slowly grew closer.

Inara locked the door, grabbed the money the clients left on the table for her the past month before following Inej out the window, closing it after her.
She did not know where Inej was leading her to, but she would trust that girl even if she were blind.
Here and there, Inej woudk look behind her to check on Inara, she had skills.

Inara once tried to escape, it didn't end well.

She followed Inej down a building until the stopped infornt of what seemed To Inara a Club.
"The Crow Club" Inej introduced and instructed Inara to follow her inside.
The place was crowded, filled with men and women playing cards and drinking.
Oh, Saints.
She walked around, the place was nice and as Inej sat on a table, Inara did the same, and saw a curly haired with dark skin man approach the two, he eyes Inara curiously before sitting in front of her.
"Well, who do we have here?"

Inara gave Inej a look, Inej nodded as if ti say 'you can trust him'.

"Inara Vensik"
He reached his hand out for her to shake, she grabbed it and shook "Jesper Fahey".

"Oh, you're the girl Inej wanted to help from the Menagerie for months now and here you are,"he looked at Inej from Inara " you succeeded in convincing Kaz to help her".
Jesper munched on some peanuts before excusing himself.
Inara knew she was definitely not going to stay here for long, maybe find a job, earn some money and add them to the money she had, find a ship and live on the ocean.

"What will you do now?" Inej asked hoping for her to stay.
Inara recognized that look and spoke up.
"Inej, I won't stay here. I can't. I have enough kruge to get me a decent ship and a crew. I will live my own life.
And I can do this thanks to you, Inej. We will most definitely see each other again and that I promise , Inej."
Inara held onto Inej's hands as she spoke, her eyes soft as she looked at her friend.
Inej nodded as she hoped she would be around her but understood and  they hugged.
Both refused to spill tears.
" You could come with me, " she say Inej's mouth open but before she could say anything Inara spoke again "But I  know you can't. One day, we will sail together on the seas, hunting slavers. One day?"

"One day."

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