Nikolai Lantsov

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"Prepare to decouple!" at his command Inara, and others jumped of the side of the ship that could fly.

"Secondary mast released!"

"Engage secondary sail!"
And as soon as they were in the air, Inara stood besides Alina, Tolya and Tamar laughed at Alina's reaction, Ianra looked down "Don't worry, it's safe" she reassured the young girl.
Alina looked up "How many times have you done this?"

"A few" Alina nodded but still closed her eyes, Inara walked past her and sat besides Alina taking her hand "It never crashed, you'll get used to it in a few minutes, there are different pressures, so we won't crash, unless we're in the fold".
Alina looked comforted until she heard Inara's last words, Inara laughed and stayed besides her, only in that moment remembering last night.

Mal called for Alina and with a bit of more effort, he convinced her to watch what was below.
Inara stayed, sharpening her knives as if they needed more sharpening and recalled the events of last night.
The Darkling, his words sent shivers up her spine. Has she never been free?
Are they really searching for her?

Nikolai. Saints, help me.

He cared about her, that she knows. When he spoke to her his eyes soften, his voice becomes more gentle.
He glanced back and noticed her sharpening her knives.
He looked away, contemplating whether to approach or leave her on her own.

Inara remembers well the first time she found out about her being who she really was.

He left. The door is open, it's late.
I could try and escape.
I wore clothes on and stepped outside the room not bothering to look back.
My feet were bare, the cobblestones were dirty, I made it out.
No body saw me, Tante Heleen wasn't in her office.
My legs were aching with each step I took, stoned digging in my feet with each step I took.
My body overwhelmed, so many thoughts rushed through my mind, hope has implanted itself in my mind, but not for long.
The air didn't smell nice, I had a feeling I was being watched. Being stared at.
I heard rapid footsteps, so I ran.
My heart stuck in my throat. My arms moving by my sides, my legs forgot of their pain and I ran, I looked behind me.
Him. And other two.
Fear grew bigger and I ran into an alley.

There was a tall wall. Tears stung my eyes. Please, Oh, saints. Help me. Please. I want to go home. I want to go home to mama and baba. Please.

I heard breathing behind me, I stupidly try to run past them, one grabs ahold of me easily and hits my body against the wall.
I couldn't see anything through my teary eyes, but I could hear their laugh.
The man from last week held my wrist besides my head, I tried to break free but I felt weak.
Why was his grip so tight?

As soon as he had the other man hold my wrists I shook my head, "No, no, no, no, no please. Please, no, I'm only fifteen years old. Please".

The man unzipped my pants and looked at me "You were made for this, whore now stop crying before I beat the shit out of you, woman".
I tried, and felt a strong pain in my stomach, and again and again.
The alley was dark, nobody there.
I felt pain again, arms, stomach, legs, face.
Until something grew in me, I don't know what is was until I let out a scream and through my closed eyelids saw light.
My wrists were free, my eyes open only to find the three men with bloody eyes and blood everywhere.

What have I done?

Inara felt a distance voice until it became louder and louder.
"Inara" she finally heard and was snapped out of her memories when Nikolai touched her shoulder and took a step backward when she looked up.
His eyes were fixated on her, he offered her his hand, unsure she would take it.
She took his hand standing up walking over to the edge, he let go of her hand, they stood there. Their hands touching.

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