fear (chapter 13)

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Yn's pov and thoughts

Lupin: " welcome back yn ,how about you come up and show us your fear "

Yn: " no "

(I know what I'm afraid of and I'm not showing the class)

Lupin " come on yn don't be like that , whatever it is it can't be that bad"

Yn: " I just don't want to come up

Lupin: " yn now or your failing my class"

Yn: " fine I guess"

*Yn walks up hesitantly

*A figure shows up and it glitches and can't decide on 1 thing or person

Lupin: " what the hell ,it seems like you have more than 1 main fear "

Yn: " I didnt know that was possible"

Lupin: "well let's see all 3 "

*First Voldemort walks in and and threatens to kill the people she loves like he did with her mom

(I can't do this )

*Nextly her dad walks out

(Shit! They are going to find out )

*Her dad walks up and tries or hit her

Lupin: " why would you be worried your dad would hit you unless...

(He can't know )

Yn: " nothing I'm not scared about that it must be wrong or maybe I'm just scared of my dad in general"

(I hope he believes me )

Lupin: " ok I guess "

*A 3rd figure walks in and it's Tom

Tom: " what the hell !"


* A 4th and final person walks in and it's Mattheo and he grabs her

Mattheo: " what the actual fuck man"

*Mattheo walks out and so does Tom

(Shit ,I fucked up but I am scared , especially of what he could do ,after what happened earlier I got even more scared that he has the potential to hurt me )

*Enzo looks at yn and shakes his head

(Even Enzo is mad at me ,I should go after Mattheo ...and Tom )

*Yn walks out

              Mattheo's pov and thoughts

Yn: "Mattheo ,Tom wait please "

Mattheo: " why so you can tell us why your afraid of us ,no thanks "

(She is scared of me ,I thought she was different but she is scared of me just like every other girl )

*Mattheo walks away so it's just you and Tom

Tom: " we know why your scared ,it's because we are the dark lords sons and we could do anything to you but your a pathetic bitch who can't protect her "

*Tom walks up close to her and grabs her arms so she can't move

Yn: " Tom let go of me "

Tom: " why is the little bitch scared?"

Yn: " I thought you liked me ?"

Tom: " and i thought you were different from other girls but your not ,your just as pathetic and stupid as the rest of them "

Yn: " your right "

Tom: " yeah I know I am so why not use it to my advantage"

Yn: "what do you mean ?"

Tom: " maybe I should make you even more scared so you stay away "

Yn: " stay away from me ,let me go !"

Tom: "no"

*Tom punches yn

Yn: " Tom don't do this

*Tom punches yn agai

Yn: " Tom please stop!"

*Pansy hears and walks out of class

Pansy: " Tom stop it now!"

Tom: " whatever,pansy you shouldn't be protecting this bitch "

Pansy: " walk away Tom "

*Tom walks away

                   Yn's pov and thoughts

Yn: " why did you save me"

Pansy: " you didn't deserve to be hurt , he is just taking he pain out on you ,he will be begging you for forgiveness soon I promise,he can't stay mad forever"

Yn: " I'm not upset at him ,he was in the right ,I was in the wrong ,I don't know why that thing showed I'm scared of them when I'm barley scare of them ,it just came to my mind and I couldn't stop it "

Pansy: " I know it's ok let's go get you cleaned up and continue on our day "

Yn: " ok "

*They go get yn cleaned up and head to their next class

*Enzo sees yn and knows right away what happened

Enzo: " did Tom do this ?"

Yn: " yeah but I deserved it "

Enzo : " just because you were scared of him ,that's horrible ,you didn't deserve this but he will ask for forgiveness soon "

Yn: " yeah that's what pansy said to "

              Mattheo's pov and thoughts

*Mattheo walks in and sees yn with bruises on her face and a black eye

(Did Tom do that !? I will kill him ,he shouldn't have hurt her ,I'm still upset at her tho)

*Mattheo laughs as he walks past yn and sist down

(I can't show that I care about her but I shouldn't have laughed mayen I went to far )

Enzo: " i will talk to Mattheo ok?"

Yn: " ok I guess i don't know if you can't change how he feels about me ,he probably hates me "

Pansy: " he doesn't"

Teacher : " class sit down"

*They all sit down and go on with class while Enzo talks to Mattheo

Enzo: " Mattheo why did you laugh at yn when she is clearly hurt "

(Enzo is my best friend,I can tell him the truth )

Mattheo: " I didn't mean to laugh ,I just didn't want to show that I care and you better not tell her that i do but im still upset and he is scared of me there is no way she will date me so I'm just going to be rude and stay away from her "

Enzo: " she doesn't hate you ,she actually things she deserves what Tom did "

(She doesn't deserve it why does she think she does)

Mattheo: " she doesn't deserve that,Tom was just being a bitch "

Enzo: " well just forgive her man ,she cares about you and she never meant to hurt you ,so maybe take a chance ,be nice then maybe ask her out ,she will probably say yes "

Mattheo: " whatever man ,I think we both need time then maybe "

Enzo: " ok man "

*The class goes on then the lunch bell rings .........

To be continued

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