panic room (chapter 31)

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*yn and pansy are done getting ready and sitting in their room

Yn: " I haven't talked to draco since Ive been back , how is he doing?"

Pansy: " well when you left he kinda blamed himself"

Yn: " I'm going to go talk to him before the party "

Pansy: " ok ,I'll be here"

*Yn walks out and walks to Draco's from and knocks on the door

*Draco doesn't answer so yn opens the door and sees draco on the floor unconscious

*Yn looks around and sees a bottle of pills in some random persons name next to him

(Oh my God!)

Yn: " draco!"
*Yn yells and everyone runs in

Pansy: " oh shit draco!"

*Yn just sits with his lifeless body and isn't talking

*Enzo grabs yn shoulder

Enzo: " yn.."

*Yn pushes his arm off and runs out of the room , slamming the door with her powers trying not to cry

Mattheo's pov and thoughts

( A part of me wanted to go after yn and comfort her but I think she hates me as much as I do right now)

Theo: " we need to get him to the nurse now !"

*Enzo and Theo carry Draco's body to the nurse's office

*Everyone is with draco in the nurse besides yn

Enzo: " guys I feel bad , you know for yn "

Mattheo: " this is probably her fault, he probably overdosed because of her being back"

Pansy: " oh my fucking God Mattheo, stop blaming everything that is going wrong on yn , your just upset she left , but it seems like you moved on pretty goddamn quickly with Astoria so fuck you "

*Pansy says then walks out

Enzo: " maybe she right man "

Mattheo: " she left without saying goodbye to any of us , she didn't say goodbye to you either, maybe cause she didn't care enough to , you mean nothing to her , none of us do"

*Mattheo walks out

Yn's pov and thoughts

*Yn is outside trying to catch her breath and is starting to have a panic attack

(This is all my fault ! )

*Yn is hyperventilating and can't breath , her heart is racing

(I can't breath- I feel like I'm dying )

*Yn starts crying and waves of power comes out of her destroying things in her path

*She isn't trying to use her power but she can't control it

(I can't control it , my demons are in control, I can't control my powers my heart is racing )

*Yn is stumbling to walk around trying to get air to her lungs but nothing is working , she starts grabbing her chest because it feels like it's closing up

*She starts grabbing at her shirt because it's getting hot

*Yn starts shaking and her vision gets blurry

(I can't do this , I can't do this , I need help, I need Mattheo )

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