extra (explanation for(hatred cht25)

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Mattheo's pov and thoughts

(Very very short chapter)

*The day before, 10 mins before he killed the girl

*Mattheo goes to his dorm and Voldemort is there

Matthoe: " what the fuck are you doing here"

Voldemort: " I thought I told you if yn became a distraction I would take care of her myself"

Mattheo: " she isn't a distraction dad"

Voldemort: " stay away from her or she dies"

Mattheo: " but-da

Voldemort: " if you love her you will protect her , so stay away from her , if you even talk to her your putting her life on the line "

*Mattheo sighs
Mattheo: " yes sir"

Voldemort: " break her heart so I know your serious "

Mattheo: " dad why can't I just ghost her ?"

Voldemort: " break her heart or she dies "

*Voldemort leaves

(I have to break her heart again ,but she needs to be safe )

*Mattheo goes downstairs and kills a random girl

Yn: " what the fuck "

*Mattheo looks over and sees yn

Mattheo: " oh shit "

*Yn walks away and Mattheo pulls the knife out of the girl and runs after yn

Mattheo: " yn!"

*Yn is crying and walks back into the lunch room

Pansy: "omg yn what's wrong ?"

Mattheo: " yn!"

*Yn is in shock and walks into the cafeteria

Pansy: "omg yn what's wrong ?"

Yn: " he was killing someone "

*Mattheo runs in

Matthoe: " yn it's not what it looks like "

*Everyone is watching now

Yn: " I think it was exactly what I think it was "

Mattheo: " I'm sorry "

Yn: " your pity ass sorry isn't going to help you this time "

Mattheo: " just hear me out yn "

Yn: " no fuck you "

Matthoe: " please yn"

Yn: " no , I thought you were better than that to go off killing people , your just like your father "

Mattheo: " I mean you killed a bunch of people when your emotions were off"

Pansy: " what the fuck did you just say to her ?"

*Yn tears up

Yn: " that's not the same fucking thing , I had no control over myself "

Mattheo: " I mean you could have turned your emotions back on and sucked it up

*A tear falls from yn's eye

Yn: " it's not that easy, right when I turned it off I had to relive every bad things that has ever happened to me , every death, every scar , every hit, everything "

*Yn's eyes turn red

Yn: " you are a pathetic, murderer, I thought you were different from your dad and didn't kill people but I was so fucking wrong"

Mattheo: " fuck you yn "

Yn: " fuck you to "

Yn: " how do you do something wrong and try and turn it on me ?"

Mattheo: " I was bored so I killed someone

*Yn starts crying

Yn: " how the fuck could you kill someone for fun

Yn: " there is something wrong with you , I hate you ...

*Yn walks away

*Pansy and Enzo follow behind yn

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