forgiveness (chapter 14)

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                   Yn's pov and thoughts

*Everyone is at lunch ,no one is talking

Tom: " yn your such a fat bitch just stop eating for once "

Pansy: " Tom shut the fuck up"

Tom: " it's just the truth"

*Yn gets up and walks out

Mattheo: " Tom what the hell is wrong with you "

*Enzo signals to Mattheo to go after her

              Mattheo's pov and thoughts

*Mattheo walks out to go after her

Mattheo: " yn? "

*He hears someone throwing up coming form the girls bathroom so he walks in

Mattheo: " yn is that you ?"

Yn: " Mattheo what are you doing in the women's bathroom!?"

Mattheo: " yn are you ok "

Yn: " I didn't feel good so I came in here to
throw up"

(She is making herself throw up just because of what that pathetic bastard said)

Mattheo: " are you making yourself throw up?"

Yn: " why do you care ?"

(I actually care because I like you but I can't tell her that)

Mattheo: " because I just do yn ,you shouldn't be doing this just because of what Tom said ,he is just be a salty bitch ,he will ask for forgiveness soon "

Yn: " he is right though I need to lose some weight "

(Is this bitch she ways basically nothing and she has a perfect fucking body and she needs to see that)

Mattheo: " you are lighter then every girl here ,you are 5'1 and weigh idk 110

Yn: " I weigh 105 pounds "

Mattheo: " see ,you don't need to lose weight,you honestly need to eat more ,you littlearaly perfect"

Yn: " your just saying that to make me feel better "

Mattheo: " no I'm not ,you need to see your worth yn ,you deserve better than Tom ok ,find better "

Yn: " thank you Mattheo"

Mattheo: " no problem"

Yn: " let's go back with our friends?

Mattheo: " yeah"

*They head back to lunch with their friends

Yn's pov and thoughts

Enzo: " thank God you guys are back these 2 annoying shits won't stop fighting"

Pansy: " Tom your such a annoying bitch"

Tom: " fuck you pansy"

Yn: " both of you shut up"

Pansy: " thank God you back yn ,I can't stand being here with this annoying peice of shit "

Tom: " why did you come back yn ,I was hoping you would kill yourself"

Mattheo: " shut up Tom and you should take your own advice"

Tom: " wow ,yn is he your little boyfriend now?"

(I want to make him jealous but I can also get something good out of this )

Mattheo: " no -i

*Yn cuts him off

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